Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 19.COM 7.B.1

The Committee

  1. Takes note that Paraguay has nominated Guarania, sound of Paraguayan soul (No. 02128) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

The Guarania is a musical genre originating in Paraguay. Created in the early twentieth century, it is a collective expression of Paraguayan values. It uses the Guarani language, combining elements of native and popular music. The genre is characterized by syncopated rhythms and a slow tempo that is inspired by the Paraguayan polka. It is a key part of the daily life of Paraguayans in the family and community environments. The music is often accompanied by the guitar and double bass. Musicians and singers interpret the work of great masters in recitals, concerts and social spaces, as part of instrumental and vocal ensembles and symphonic orchestras. Poets, writers, researchers, civil society organizations, cultural managers, instrument manufacturers, and the general Paraguayan society, all enjoy and identify with the Guarania. The practice is transmitted primarily within families and through public and private training centres and music groups. It is also passed on and promoted through museums, temporary exhibitions, and public and private spaces dedicated to creators and performers. The Guarania is believed to promote a sense of shared identity and belonging for Paraguayans and the diaspora. It is also perceived as a symbol of resilience and Paraguayan values.

  1. Considers that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

R.1:   Transmission of knowledge and skills associated with the element mainly occurs orally within families, in different public and private training centres and in bands and symphonic orchestras. It is also transmitted formally through courses, seminars and symposiums. Musicians and singers interpret the work of great masters in recitals, concerts and social spaces, as part of instrumental and vocal ensembles. Poets, writers, researchers, civil society organizations, cultural managers, instrument manufacturers, and the general Paraguayan society, all enjoy and identify with the Guarania. Although it was previously practiced exclusively by men, today women are equally represented. The element is perceived as an embodiment of Paraguayan values. It strengthens the sense of shared identity and belonging for Paraguayans within the country and in the diaspora.

R.2:   The file explains the element’s contribution to various aspects of sustainable development. It promotes economic development, peace, social cohesion and gender equality. On gender equality, the element highlights the social role of women and outstanding female composers and performers. On environmental sustainability, many music pieces are inspired by nature and promote the appreciation of natural heritage. It also promotes mental health through the enjoyment and practice of music. The diverse methods of knowledge and skills transmission also contribute to quality education.

R.3:   The proposed safeguarding measures are realistic and deemed to be sufficient to protect and promote the element. They cover the different components of safeguarding living heritage, including awareness raising, transmission, and documentation and research efforts, such as the involvement of private archives and documentary centres. The State Party demonstrates commitment to supporting the implementation of the safeguarding efforts, and the community’s participation in the planning and implementation of the safeguarding measures is elaborated.

R.4:   The nomination of Guarania was raised by several civil society organizations linked to the element. Public institutions, civil society organizations and community practitioners and bearers worked together, ensuring ongoing dialogue and establishing a sustainable research process for the preparation of the nomination. In addition, 17 participative workshops were held in 2022 with the communities concerned throughout the country. The community participated in the preparation of the technical file and the proposed safeguarding plan.

R.5:   The element was listed on the Register of National Cultural Heritage Assets in January 2020. The register is maintained by the National Secretariat of Culture through the General Office of Cultural Heritage. Information on the inventorying process was provided in the periodic report submitted in 2021.

  1. Decides to inscribe Guarania, sound of Paraguayan soul on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
