Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 19.COM 13

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/19.COM/13 and its annex,
  2. Recalling Decisions 14.COM 15 and 18.COM 15,
  3. Takes note of the activities undertaken by the ICH NGO Forum since the last session of the Committee, notably those that have the potential to strengthen the advisory role of accredited non-governmental organizations to the Committee;
  4. Commends the ICH NGO Forum for the activities aimed at increasing the number of non-governmental organizations based in underrepresented regions, and encourages the Forum to pursue its efforts in this regard, in close cooperation with States Parties, category 2 centres and UNESCO Chairs, and in close coordination with the Secretariat;
  5. Appreciates the readiness demonstrated by the ICH NGO Forum to actively pursue the development of the Convention and support its governing bodies, notably as regards the thematic initiatives of the Convention, synergies between the protection and safeguarding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, intangible heritage and climate change, sustainable tourism, archiving, and the reflection on a broader implementation of Article 18;
  6. Welcomes the continuation of the mapping of the competencies of accredited non-governmental organizations and their visualization through the webpage of the Convention, and requests the Secretariat to continue its collaboration with the ICH NGO Forum to ensure that the mapping exercise covers the remaining accredited non-governmental organizations;
  7. Decides to include a separate item on the ‘Report of the non-governmental organizations forum’ on the provisional agenda of its twentieth session.
