Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 14.COM 8

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/19/14.COM/8,
  2. Recalling Articles 7(f), 29 and 30 of the Convention, as well as Chapter V of the Operational Directives,
  3. Further recalling Decision 12.COM 10 and Decision 13.COM 8, as well as Resolution 7.GA 10,
  4. Welcomes the reform of the periodic reporting mechanism which encompasses the revised Form ICH-10 and the Guidance Notes, and acknowledges that the new reporting system will be implemented starting from the first regional cycle of reporting in 2020;
  5. Commends the government of the Republic of Korea for its generous and continued support to the reform of the periodic reporting mechanism;
  6. Requests that the Secretariat inform all the States Parties from Latin America and the Caribbean of the deadline of 15 December 2020 for the submission of their periodic reports on the implementation of the 2003 Convention and on the status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity for examination by the Committee at its sixteenth session in 2021;
  7. Encourages States Parties to use the online tool to submit their reports in order to facilitate the gathering of information and the analysis of the status of the implementation of the Convention at the national level and of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
  8. Invites the Secretariat to plan and implement appropriate capacity-building activities in Latin America and the Caribbean to facilitate the periodic reporting exercise for States from that region in the context of the existing global capacity-building programme and subject to the availability of voluntary supplementary contributions;
  9. Further encourages States Parties to provide voluntary supplementary contributions to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support the implementation of the above-mentioned capacity-building activities or to express their interest in financing and implementing them through other funding modalities;
  10. Further requests that the Secretariat report to the Committee on the roll-out of the reformed periodic reporting mechanism, including the capacity-building activities conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean, for examination at its fifteenth session in 2020.
