Participants of UNESCO workshop
© UNESCO, 2015
9 de noviembre de 2015

From 2 to 6 November 2015, twenty participants from various entities including government representatives from decentralized institutions, as well as civil society, communities and other specialists of intangible cultural heritage gathered in Nabeul in Tunisia. During the five day workshop, they were able to strengthen their knowledge on the preparation of nomination files for the lists of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, including the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, and on the preparation of international requests for assistance from the Intangible Cultural heritage Fund. During different sessions combining critical thinking, theory, case studies and practical exercises, participants also explored procedures as well as key criteria to be met such as the definition of the element, community participation and safeguarding measures.

This workshop, organized by the UNESCO Office in Rabat and thanks to the generous contribution of Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, concluded the first important phase of the project Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage through the strengthening of national capacities Maghreb which is also implemented in Morocco and Mauritania.
