The Committee,
- Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/15.c,
- Recalling documents IOS/EVS/PI/129 REV. and IOS/AUD/2013/06, and Decisions 8.COM 5.c.1, 8.COM 5.c.2, 9.COM 13.e, 9.COM 13.f, 9.COM 13.g, and 9.COM 13.h,
- Acknowledges with satisfaction that the Secretariat has made a good progress in response to the recommendations of the evaluation and audit as well as of its corresponding decisions, and wishes that such effort be continued as planned;
- Recommends to the General Assembly to approve the amendment of all relevant paragraphs of the Operational Directives to increase from US$25,000 to US$100,000 the requests for International Assistance that can be approved by the Bureau of the Committee;
- Commends China for its generous offer of a voluntary supplementary contribution to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support the organization of an expert meeting on developing an overall results framework for the Convention,
- Acknowledges the increasing reliance of the Organization on extrabudgetary contributions and requests the Secretariat to submit the proposed coordinated fund-raising strategy for its consideration;
- Further requests the Secretariat to report the progress made on the follow-up on the audits and evaluations for examination by the Committee at its eleventh session in 2016.