IV International Conference Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of the intangible cultural heritage of Central Asia
International Centre for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2) National Committee for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies 20/21-09-2023 Hybrid format: Almaty and online (Kazajstán)

IV International Conference Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of the intangible cultural heritage of Central Asia

The conference compiled about 110 in-person and online participants from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Turkiye, Uzbekistan, Iran, Japan, Russia, Republic of Korea, France to support the 20th anniversary of the Convention (2003).

The aim of the conference is to present analytical and research initiatives for a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of intangible cultural heritage, including ideas and knowledge systems that have influenced the development of societies and the rapprochement of cultures in Central Asia.

This initiative will lay the foundation for subsequent global discussions on the conceptual expansion of the boundaries of intangible cultural heritage and for information campaigns that will promote educational activities with the participation of scientists, public figures, cultural figures, diplomats, etc. The conference is aimed at encouraging an in-depth study of the history of ideas and knowledge systems that had a significant impact on the formation of a conscious interdependence between the societies and cultures of Central Asia and contributed to their development, as well as at assessing the study of the intangible cultural heritage of the region at the present stage, ways to improve and increase it. The conference includes discussions about the prospects for updating culturally and socially significant ideas and knowledge systems for the progressive solution of new global challenges of our time, the formation of open and creative societies based on knowledge.
The conference included three main sessions:

I. Cultural heritage of knowledge: from social teachings to social transformations

The session is devoted to understanding the influence of ideas and knowledge systems on the social processes of the XX-XXI centuries, as well as their contextualization in the field of intangible cultural heritage. Within the framework of the session, it is proposed to explore the issues of the historical and cultural picture of the world of the societies of Central Asia.

II. The phenomenon of the cultural heritage of the Kazakhs in Central Asia: local and universal

The session is devoted to the transformation of paradigms of nomadic and sedentary cultures in a civilizational context - from a local branch of Eurasian culture to the steppe civilization of the Kazakhs - on the example of life support and ecophilosophy (housing, cattle breeding, hunting, military affairs, traditional medicine, public education, art objects, rites and rituals).

III. The Living Treasure of the Kazakh Steppe Civilization: Status and Prospects

The session considers reports on the status of individual elements of the intangible cultural heritage included in the National List (the list of elements is attached). Information will be provided on the actual manifestation of the element, carrier communities, shape changes over time, and scientific judgments will be made on measures to support, protect, train and develop.
The program also included the seminar for the provincial cultural authorities, local history museums and provincial libraries on documenting and identifying of the ICH elements in accordance to the latest decision of the General Assembly and the Intergovernmental Committee.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
