Examination of proposals for selection in 2024 on the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices (item 7.d on the agenda)

Below are the proposals to be examined by the Committee for possible selection in 2024 as programmes, projects and activities that best reflect the Convention’s principles and objectives, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Each file includes (i) a proposal Form ICH-03, (ii) evidence of consent from communities, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a video.

The recommendations of the Evaluation Body are included in document LHE/24/19.COM/7.d.

The nomination files submitted by the States Parties are published by the Secretariat of the 2003 Convention on its website in compliance with paragraph 54 of the Operational Directives regarding the nomination procedure; moreover, the information included in the nominations is reflected in working documents of the Committee in order to ensure transparency and access to information.

The sole responsibility for the content of each nomination file lies with the submitting States Parties concerned. The designations employed in the texts and documents presented by the submitting States Parties do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Committee nor UNESCO concerning a) the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, b) the legal status of its authorities, c) the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or d) references to specific historical events.

Expedientes (3)

7.d.1 - 7.d.2 - 7.d.3
No. de
proyecto de
Estado(s)Título presentadoDocumentos
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EN: School of Crafts ÚĽUV

FR: L’école d’artisanat ÚĽUV

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

Referencia del expediente: 2107

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Slovak/English

30 Mar 2023
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘School of Crafts ÚĽUV’ (05:18):Slovak/English

30 Mar 2023
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EN: Safeguarding programme of kobza and wheel lyre tradition

FR: Le programme de sauvegarde de la tradition de la kobza et de la vielle à roue

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

Referencia del expediente: 2136

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Community organizations (section 5.2 - ICH-03):English

09 Nov 2023
Consent of communities:English/Ukrainian

09 Nov 2023
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Safeguarding practice of kobza and wheel lyre tradition’ (10:00):Ukrainian/English

31 Mar 2023
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EN: Oman Youth Sail Training Ship (Safinat Shabab Oman) programme for peace and sustainable cultural dialogue

FR: Le programme du grand voilier-école omanais pour les jeunes (Safinat Shabab Oman) pour la paix et le dialogue culturel durable

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

Referencia del expediente: 2080

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

21 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

21 Mar 2023
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Safinat Shabab Oman programme for peace and sustainable cultural dialogue’ (09:47):English

21 Mar 2023