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![Formación para la nueva generación de facilitadores de Europa y América del Norte](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/17915-BIG.jpg)
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Strengthening the Global facilitators’ network under the 2003 Convention: Training workshop for new facilitators from Europe and North America
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Salvaguardia del PCI y preparación de inventarios con participación de las comunidades - Capacitación nacional de capacitadores
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Implementation the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH at the National level in Albania
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New steps for safeguarding living heritage in Albania
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Albania well equipped to tailor its efforts in safeguarding living heritage
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Needs-assessment Safeguarding ICH in the Republic of Albania
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Patrimonio cultural inmaterial: nuevas estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible, el turismo y las alianzas
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