Національна спілка майстрів народного мистецтва України (НСМНМУ)


Contact: +38044 2785625 / +38044 2783223
Adresse postale: 27a, Reitarska Str. Kyiv, 01030
Couverture géographique de l’expertise de la ONG: Bélarus, Bulgarie, Canada, Estonie, Lituanie, Pologne, République de Moldova, Roumanie, Ukraine

URL: https://www.facebook.com/NacionalnaSpilkaMajstrivNarodnogoMistectvaUkraini

Date de création: 1990

Mesure de sauvegarde:

- identification, documentation, recherche (dont la réalisation d'inventaires)
- préservation, protection
- promotion, mise en valeur
- transmission, éducation (non-)formelle
- revitalisation

Principaux domaines de travail liés à la Convention:

Since 1990, the National Union of Folk-Art Masters of Ukraine has worked in the sphere of researching, preserving, safeguarding and developing art crafts of Ukraine. The organization unites craftsmen and craftswomen, folk-art masters, managers in traditional arts and crafts, researchers from all over Ukraine, having its centers in all regions, except 2-3, with membership of 1618 persons. The Union organizes workshops on local and national level, conferences and meetings to raise awareness on the ICH, role of crafts and traditional arts.


The whole activity of the organization is directed at safeguarding of the ICH, promotion of culture and cultural heritage of Ukraine, sustainable development. The principal objectives of the Union are: researching, safeguarding and development of traditional folk arts/crafts of Ukraine; support of individual masters and professional associations; transfer of knowledge and skills related to traditional folk crafts, by formal and informal education; collaboration with scientists and researchers to examine crafts and folk arts; organization of exhibitions, including with use of modern technologies; promotion of international cooperation and cultural exchange, including collaboration between masters of various countries; organization of trainings, workshops on inventorying of the ICH, especially crafts and craft specialties.


The National Union of Folk-Art Masters of Ukraine deals directly with local communities, groups and individuals, professionals united in associations and separate artists. Recognizing the importance and weight of local communities, groups and individuals for ICH safeguarding, the NSMNMU maintains close contacts with different communities and group residing in Ukraine or out. Above 9000 craftsmen, united in communities interacts within the frames of the National Union. The main directions of the NSMNMU's interaction with communities and groups are: research, examination and promotion of their heritage; realization of joint projects and exhibitions; support of grassroot initiatives.