Files 2024 under process

The table below presents the list of files being treated for the 2024 cycle that are to be examined by the Committee at its nineteenth session in November/December 2024.

This list includes nominations for the Urgent Safeguarding List or the Representative List, and proposals for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.

The nomination files submitted by the States Parties are published by the Secretariat of the 2003 Convention on its website in compliance with paragraph 54 of the Operational Directives regarding the nomination procedure; moreover, the information included in the nominations is reflected in working documents of the Committee in order to ensure transparency and access to information.

The sole responsibility for the content of each nomination file lies with the submitting States Parties concerned. The designations employed in the texts and documents presented by the submitting States Parties do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Committee nor UNESCO concerning a) the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, b) the legal status of its authorities, c) the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or d) references to specific historical events.

Files (66)

State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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Afghanistan - Azerbaijan - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Pakistan - Tajikistan - Türkiye - Turkmenistan - Mongolia

EN: Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz

FR: Le Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz

Representative List

File reference: 2097

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Afghanistan - consent by communities from the original nomination:French

20 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Azerbaijani

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - India - consent by communities from the original nomination:English

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Iran - consent by communities from original the nomination:English/Perisan

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Iraq - consent by communities from the original nomination :English/Arabic

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Kazakh

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Kyrgyzstan - consent from communities from the original nomination:English/Kyrgyz

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Pakistan - consent from communities from the original nomination:English

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Tajikistan - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Tajik

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Türkiye - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Turkish

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Turkmenistan - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Turkmen

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Uzbek

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Mongolia - consent by newly joining communities:English/Mongolian

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Mongolia:English/Mongolian

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Mongolia:English

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Nauryz’ (13:13):English

29 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

08 Aug 2024
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Afghanistan - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Tajikistan - Uzbekistan

EN: Art of crafting and playing rubab/rabab

FR: L’art de la fabrication et de la pratique du rubab/rabab

Representative List

File reference: 2143

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed - Iran (also including consent):Persian/English

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed - Tajikistan (also including consent):Tajik/English

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed - Uzbekistan (also including consent):Uzbek/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Afghanistan:English/Dari

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Iran:English/Persian

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Afghanistan:English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Iran:English/Persian

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

31 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

07 Aug 2024
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
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EN: K'cimi dancing of Tropojë

FR: La pratique de la danse k’cimi de Tropojë

Representative List

File reference: 1881

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English

25 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

25 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:Albanian/English

25 Sep 2023
ICH inventory:Albanian/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘K'cimi dancing of Tropojë’ (09:42):English

30 Mar 2021
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EN: The women’s ceremonial costume in the Eastern region of Algeria: knowledge and skills associated with the making and adornment of the ‘Gandoura’ and the ‘Melehfa’

FR: Le costume féminin de cérémonie dans le Grand Est de l'Algérie : savoir-faire associés à la confection et à la parure de la "Gandoura" et de la "Melehfa"

Representative List

File reference: 2139

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:French

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:French

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:French

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):French

15 Dec 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Le costume féminin de cérémonie dans le Grand Est de l'Algérie : savoir-faire associés à la confection et à la parure de la "Gandoura" et de la "Melehfa"’ (11:16):French

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EN: Tandir craftsmanship and bread baking in Azerbaijan

FR: L’artisanat du tandir et la cuisson du pain en Azerbaïdjan

Representative List

File reference: 2120

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Culture of baking in tandris’ (09:03):Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2023
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EN: Vytsinanka, traditional art of paper cutting in Belarus

FR: La vytsinanka, art traditionnel du découpage de papier au Bélarus

Representative List

File reference: 1954

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

10 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:Belarusian/English

10 Oct 2023
ICH inventory:Belarusian/English

10 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Vytsinanka as a traditional art of paper cutting in Belarus’ (10:35):English

27 Mar 2022
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
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Belgium - France

EN: Funfair culture

FR: La culture foraine

Representative List

File reference: 2108

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Apr 2023
Consent of communities - Belgium:French/Dutch/English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - France:French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Europe:Dutch/English/French

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Belgium:French/Dutch/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - France:French

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Belgium:English/French

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - France:French

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Culture foraine’ (09:50):French/English

30 Mar 2023
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

EN: Sevdalinka, traditional urban folk song

FR: La sevdalinka, chant folklorique urbain traditionnel

Representative List

File reference: 1872

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Bosnian/English

27 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

27 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:Bosnian/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Bosnian/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Sevdalinka’ (09:46):English

30 Mar 2021
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

08 Aug 2024
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EN: Wosana ritual and associated practices

FR: Le rituel wosana et les pratiques associées

Urgent Safeguarding List

File reference: 2117

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

18 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Kalanga

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2023:English

15 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2017:English

04 Dec 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Wosana ritual and associated practices’ (09:46):English

09 Aug 2023
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EN: Traditional ways of making Artisan Minas Cheese in Minas Gerais

FR: Les modes traditionnels de fabrication du fromage artisanal minas dans le Minas Gerais

Representative List

File reference: 2102

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Portuguese/English

26 Sep 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Portuguese/English

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Portuguese/English

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

13 Dec 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional ways of making artisan Minas cheese in Minas Gerais’ (10:36):Portuguese/English

29 Mar 2023
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Brunei Darussalam - Indonesia - Malaysia - Singapore - Thailand

EN: Kebaya: knowledge, skills, traditions and practices

FR: La kebaya : connaissances, savoir-faire, traditions et pratiques

Representative List

File reference: 2090

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:English

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:English

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Brunei Darussalam:English/Malay

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Indonesia:English/Indonesian

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Malaysia:English/Malay

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Singapore:English

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Thailand:English/Thai

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Brunei Darussalam:English/Malay

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Indonesia:English /Indonesian

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Malaysia:English/Malay

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Singapore:English

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Thailand:English

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Indonesia:English

24 Nov 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Multinational nomination of Kebaya’ (09:54):English

28 Mar 2023
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EN: Cultural practices and expressions linked to Krama, a traditional woven textile in Cambodia

FR: Les pratiques et expressions culturelles liées au krama, un textile traditionnel tissé au Cambodge

Representative List

File reference: 2115

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Khmer

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Khmer

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

02 Dec 2013
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cultural practices and expressions linked to Krama, a traditional woven textile in Cambodia’ (10:00):English

31 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

06 Aug 2024
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EN: Ngondo, worship of water oracles and associated cultural traditions among the Sawa

FR: Le Ngondo, culte des oracles de l'eau et traditions culturelles associées chez les Sawa

Representative List

File reference: 2140

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:French

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):French

01 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Douala/French

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:French

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):French

14 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Ngondo, culture des oracles de l'eau et traditions associées chez les Sawa’ (10:00):French

31 Mar 2023
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EN: Qiang New Year festival

FR: Le festival du Nouvel An des Qiang

Representative List

File reference: 2155

Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL:English|French

30 Jun 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 2 - Consent from communities (Section 4):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 1 - Contribution Sustainable Development (Section 2):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Report ICH-11 (USL) - Decision 17.COM 6.a.10:English|French

01 Dec 2022
Report ICH-11 (USL):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘’ (10:02):English

01 Feb 2009
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EN: Spring festival, social practices of the Chinese people in celebration of traditional new year

FR: Le festival du printemps, pratiques sociales du peuple chinois pour célébrer le Nouvel An traditionnel

Representative List

File reference: 2126

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Chinese/English

21 Nov 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Consent of communities:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

15 Dec 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Spring festival, social practices of the Chinese people in celebration of traditional new year’ (09:51):English|Chinese

31 Mar 2023
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EN: Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges

FR: La conception et les pratiques traditionnelles de construction des ponts chinois de bois en arc

Representative List

File reference: 2156

Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL:English|French

30 Jun 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 2 : Consent from communities (Section 4):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 1 - Contribution Sustainable Development (Section 2):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Report ICH-11 (USL) - Decision 17.COM 6.a.11:English|French

01 Dec 2022
Report ICH-11 (USL):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘’ (09:47):English

28 Feb 2009
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
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EN: Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering

FR: Les techniques textiles traditionnelles des Li : filage, teinture, tissage et broderie

Representative List

File reference: 2153

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL:English|French

30 Jun 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 1 - Contribution Sustainable Development (Section 2):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Nomination form ICH-02-USL to RL (annex) - Annex 2 - Consent from communities (Section 4):English/Chinese

21 Nov 2023
Report ICH-11 (USL) - Decision 17.COM 6.a.12:English|French

01 Dec 2022
Report ICH-11 (USL):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘’ (00:00):English

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EN: Living pictures of Galeras, Sucre

FR: Les tableaux vivants de Galeras, Sucre

Representative List

File reference: 1887

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

14 Dec 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Living pictures of Galeras, an outdoors art gallery’ (09:59):Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

02 Aug 2024
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Côte d'Ivoire

EN: Skills related to Attiéké production in Côte d’Ivoire

FR: Les savoir-faire liés à la fabrication de l'attiéké en Côte d'Ivoire

Representative List

File reference: 2086

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

03 Jul 2023
Consent of communities:French

22 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:French

22 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2023:French

13 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2013:French

02 Dec 2013
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les savoir-faire liés à la fabrication de l'Attiéké en Côte d'Ivoire’ (07:40):French

22 Mar 2023
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Croatia - Cyprus - France - Greece - Italy - Slovenia - Spain - Switzerland - Andorra - Austria - Belgium - Ireland - Luxembourg

EN: Art of dry stone construction, knowledge and techniques

FR: L’art de la construction en pierre sèche : savoir-faire et techniques

Representative List

File reference: 2106

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Nov 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg:Catalan/German/French/English/Luxembourgish

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2) - Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg:English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Spain - consent by communities from original nomination:Spanish/English

29 Nov 2023
Consent of communities - Belgium - consent by newly joining communities:French

29 Nov 2023
Consent of communities - Andorra - consent by newly joining communities:Catalan/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Austria - consent by newly joining communities:German/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Ireland - consent by newly joining communities:English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Luxembourg - consent by newly joining communities:Luxembourgish/French/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Scientific International Society:French/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Spain - national extension:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Croatia - consent by communities from original nomination:Croatian/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Cyprus - consent by communities from original nomination:Greek/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - France - consent by communities from original nomination:French

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Greece - consent by communities from original nomination:Greek/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Italy - consent by communities from original nomination:Italian/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Slovenia - consent by communities from original nomination:Slovenian/English

29 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Switzerland - consent by communities from original nomination:French/Italian

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Andorra:Catalan/English

29 Nov 2023
ICH inventory - Spain - national extension:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Austria:German/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Belgium:French

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Ireland:English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory - Luxembourg:French

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Spain:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Andorra:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Austria:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Belgium:French

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Ireland:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Luxembourg:French

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Art of dry stone walling, knowledge and techniques’ (14:53):English

30 Mar 2023
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Cuba - Dominican Republic - Haiti - Honduras - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

EN: Traditional knowledge and practices for the making and consumption of cassava bread

FR: Le savoir-faire et les pratiques traditionnels liés à la fabrication et à la consommation de la cassave

Representative List

File reference: 2118

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Spanish/English

13 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Cuba:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Dominican Republic:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Venezuela:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Haiti:French/Haitian Creole/Spanish

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Honduras:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Cuba:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Dominican Republic:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Haiti:French/Haitian Creole

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Honduras:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Venezuela:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Cuba:French

12 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Dominican Republic:English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Haiti:French

11 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Honduras:English

12 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Venezuela:English

07 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional knowledge and practices for the elaboration and consumption of cassava bread’ (08:46):English

31 Mar 2023
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Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

EN: Custom of Korean costume: traditional knowledge, skills and social practices in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

FR: La coutume du costume coréen : connaissances, savoir-faire et pratiques sociales traditionnels en République populaire démocratique de Corée

Representative List

File reference: 2096

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Korean/English

28 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English/Korean

28 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

28 Sep 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Korean/English

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Korean

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Korean

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

30 Nov 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Custom of Korean costume, traditional knowledge, craft skills and social practices in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’ (09:03):English|Korean

28 Mar 2023
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Egypt - Saudi Arabia

EN: Semsemiah: instrument crafting and playing

FR: La semsemiah: fabrication et pratique musicale de l'instrument

Representative List

File reference: 2119

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Oct 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Arabic/English

12 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - Egypt filmed:Arabic/English

12 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - Egypt:English/Arabic

12 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia - audio - EN transcription:English

12 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia audio:Arabic/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Egypt:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Egypt:English

12 Dec 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Saudi Arabia:English

13 Dec 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Semsemiah instrument playing and crafting’ (10:13):Arabic/English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Cooking and eating Mulgi puder, traditional mashed potato with barley in the Mulgimaa region, Estonia

FR: La préparation et la consommation du Mulgi puder, purée de pommes de terre traditionnelle à l’orge dans la région de Mulgimaa, Estonie

Representative List

File reference: 2081

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Estonian/English

22 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Estonian/English

22 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Estonian/English

ICH inventory:Estonian/English

22 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cooking and eating Mulgi puder, traditional mashed potato with barley in the Mulgimaa region, Estonia’ (10:09):Estonian/English

22 Mar 2023
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Ethiopia - Djibouti - Somalia

EN: Xeer Ciise: Oral customary laws of Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia

FR: Le xeer ciise, droit coutumier oral des communautés somali-issa en Éthiopie, à Djibouti et en Somalie

Representative List

File reference: 2087

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - video:French-English

26 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

26 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/French/Somali

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Ethiopia:English/Amharic

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Djibouti:French

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Somalia:English/Somali

26 Sep 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Ethiopia - 2023:English

15 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Djibouti - 2023:French

14 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Somalia - 2024:English

29 Feb 2024
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Ethiopia - 2013:English

04 Dec 2013
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Djibouti - 2018:French

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Xeer Ciise-oral customary laws of Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia’ (10:20):English

27 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Skills of Parisian zinc roofers and ornamentalists

FR: Les savoir-faire des couvreurs-zingueurs parisiens et des ornemanistes

Representative List

File reference: 2105

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):French

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:French

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:French

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):French

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les savoir-faire des couvreurs-zingueurs parisiens et des ornemanistes’ (09:59):French

28 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Craftsmanship of traditional woven textile Kente

FR: L'artisanat du kente, un textile traditionnel tissé

Representative List

File reference: 2130

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English

02 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

15 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Craftmanship of traditional woven texile: Kente’ (09:55):English

02 Oct 2023
Return to top

EN: Messosporitissa Festivity (All-holy Mother of God of the Mid-Sowing Season Festivity), Feast of Our Lady at the Ancient Ruins

FR: La Fête de la Messosporitissa (Fête de la Toute-Puissante Mère de Dieu de la période des semailles), Fête de Notre-Dame des ruines antiques

Representative List

File reference: 2101

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

04 Dec 2024
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Greek/English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Greek/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Greek/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Messosporitissa Festivity (All-holy Mother of God of the Mid-Sowing Season Festivity), Feast of Our Lady at the Ancient Ruins’ (11:21):Greek/English

Return to top

EN: Shakespeare Mas', a traditional component of Carriacou's annual carnival

FR: La Shakespeare Mas’, une composante traditionnelle du Carnaval annuel à Carriacou

Representative List

File reference: 2138

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Nov 2023
Consent of communities:English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English

23 Oct 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Shakespeare Mas', a traditional component of Carriacou's annual Carnival’ (09:03):English

31 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

08 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Technique of making the giant kites of Santiago Sacatepéquez and Sumpango, Guatemala

FR: La technique de fabrication des cerfs-volants géants de Santiago Sacatepéquez et Sumpango au Guatemala

Representative List

File reference: 1991

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

23 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Spanish

29 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Spanish/English

29 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - EN transcription video:English

08 Dec 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English/Spanish

29 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:Spanish/English/French

29 Sep 2023
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

13 Dec 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Technique of elaboration of the giant kites of Santiago Sacatepequez and Sumpango, Guatemala’ (07:53):Spanish/English

29 Mar 2022
Return to top

EN: Csárdás dance tradition

FR: La danse traditionnelle csárdás

Representative List

File reference: 1892

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Hungarian/English

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

04 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:Hungarian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Hungarian/English

04 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The csárdás folk dance’ (10:46):Hungarian/English

30 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Reog Ponorogo performing art

FR: L’art du spectacle du Reog Ponorogo

Urgent Safeguarding List

File reference: 1969

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

02 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:English/Indonesian

02 Oct 2023
ICH inventory:English/Indonesian

02 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

24 Nov 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Reog performance’ (10:00):English

02 Oct 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Pilgrimage to Watt Town

FR: Le pèlerinage à Watt Town

Representative List

File reference: 2137

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Feb 2024
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

20 Feb 2024
Consent of communities:English

31 Oct 2023
ICH inventory:English

31 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

08 Apr 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Pilgrimage to Watt Town’ (10:28):English

31 Oct 2023
Return to top

EN: Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan

FR: Les connaissances et savoir-faire traditionnels relatifs à la fabrication de saké à base de koji au Japon

Representative List

File reference: 1977

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Japanese/English

28 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

28 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Japanese

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Japanese

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

04 Dec 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan’ (10:00):English

28 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Betashar, traditional wedding ritual

FR: Betashar, rituel traditionnel de mariage

Representative List

File reference: 1746

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Kazakh

31 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - transcription EN/Kazakh of filmed consent of Madina Sultanova (featured in video on element) :English

09 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - filmed (Ramzan Stangaziyev):Kazakh/English

09 Oct 2023
ICH inventory:English/Kazakh

31 Mar 2020
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Betashar’ (08:56):Kazakh/English

09 Oct 2023
Return to top
Lao People's Democratic Republic

EN: Fonelamvonglao (lamvonglao)

FR: Fonelamvonglao (lamvonglao)

Representative List

File reference: 2099

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - transcription audio:English/Lao

22 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - audio:Laothian

22 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - video:Lao/English

22 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/French/Lao

29 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/French/Lao

29 Mar 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Fonelamvonglao’ (10:00):English/Lao

29 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Breakfast culture in Malaysia: dining experience in a multi-ethnic society

FR: La culture du petit déjeuner en Malaisie : expérience culinaire dans une société multiethnique

Representative List

File reference: 2113

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Malay

28 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Malay

31 Mar 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Malaysian breakfast culture’ (09:57):English

31 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

08 Aug 2024
Return to top
Mali - Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Indonesia

EN: Cultural practices and expressions linked to Balafon and Kolintang in Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Indonesia

FR: Les pratiques et expressions culturelles liées au balafon et au kolintang au Mali, au Burkina Faso, en Côte d’Ivoire et en Indonésie

Representative List

File reference: 2131

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

18 Jan 2024
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Côte d'Ivoire - consent from communities from the original nomination:French

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Mali - consent from communities from the original nomination:French/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - filmed - Indonesia - consent by newly joining communities:English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Indonesia - consent by newly joining communities:English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Burkina Faso - consent from communities from the original nomination:French

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Indonesia:English/Indonesian

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Indonesia:English

13 Dec 2013
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The iconic story of Kolintang, Indonesian music culture’ (08:51):Indonesian/English

22 Dec 2023
Return to top

EN: The Epic of Samba Gueladio

FR: L'épopée Samba Gueladio

Representative List

File reference: 1692

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Sep 2024
Consent of communities:French

20 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:French

02 Oct 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Epopée Samba Gueladio’ (10:25):French

20 Mar 2020
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Mongol nomad migration and its associated practices

FR: La migration nomade mongole et ses pratiques associées

Representative List

File reference: 2091

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

20 Nov 2023
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Mongolian

23 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Mongol nomad migration and its associated practices’ (10:20):English

27 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Myanmar traditional New Year Atā Thingyan festival

FR: L’atā thingyan, la fête traditionnelle du Nouvel An au Myanmar

Representative List

File reference: 2085

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English/Burmese

26 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - video:English

26 Sep 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Burmese/English

24 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Burmese

24 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Burmese

24 Mar 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Myanmar traditional New Year Atā Thingyan Festival’ (09:57):English

24 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

06 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Durbar in Kano

FR: Le durbar à Kano

Representative List

File reference: 1895

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - video:Hausa/English

26 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

26 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Hausa

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2023:English

15 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2018:English

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kano Durbar Festival’ (09:15):English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top
North Macedonia - Türkiye

EN: Traditional bagpipe (Gayda/Tulum) making and performing

FR: La fabrication et la pratique de la cornemuse traditionnelle (gayda/tulum)

Representative List

File reference: 2114

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Türkiye:Turkish/English

06 Oct 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - North Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Tûrkiye:Turkish/English

06 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - North Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - North Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Türkiye:Turkish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Türkiye:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - North Macedonia:English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional bagpipe (Gayda/Tulum) making and performing’ (10:33):Turkish/Macedonian/English

06 Oct 2023
Return to top

EN: Traditional costumes in Norway, craftsmanship and social practice

FR: Les costumes traditionnels en Norvège, artisanat et pratique sociale

Representative List

File reference: 2084

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

24 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English

24 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

28 Aug 2023
Consent of communities:Norwegian/English

24 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Norwegian/English

24 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

07 Dec 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional costumes in Norway, craftsmanship and social practice ’ (09:51):English

24 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Oman Youth Sail Training Ship (Safinat Shabab Oman) programme for peace and sustainable cultural dialogue

FR: Le programme du grand voilier-école omanais pour les jeunes (Safinat Shabab Oman) pour la paix et le dialogue culturel durable

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

File reference: 2080

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

21 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

21 Mar 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Safinat Shabab Oman programme for peace and sustainable cultural dialogue’ (09:47):English

21 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Guarania, sound of Paraguayan soul

FR: La guarania, son de l'âme paraguayenne

Representative List

File reference: 2128

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Spanish/English

02 Oct 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):Spanish/English

02 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:Spanish/English

02 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - EN-Spanish transcription filmed community consent:Spanish/English

02 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

02 Oct 2023
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

12 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Guarania’ (10:00):Spanish/English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Equestrian art in Portugal

FR: L’art équestre au Portugal

Representative List

File reference: 2079

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

20 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:Portuguese/French/English

21 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Portuguese/English

21 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Portuguese equestrian art’ (09:36):Portuguese/English

21 Mar 2023
Return to top
Republic of Korea

EN: Knowledge, beliefs and practices related to jang making in the Republic of Korea

FR: Les connaissances, les croyances et les pratiques liées à la préparation du jang en République de Corée

Representative List

File reference: 1975

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Korean/English

11 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Korean

31 Mar 2022
ICH inventory:English/Korean

31 Mar 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

26 Nov 2018
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Knowledge, beliefs and practices related to Jang making in the Republic of Korea’ (10:00):English

31 Mar 2022
Return to top

EN: Intore

FR: Intore

Representative List

File reference: 2129

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):French

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:French

30 Sep 2023
ICH inventory:French/English/Ikinyarwanda

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):French

14 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Intore’ (08:38):French

30 Sep 2023
Return to top
Saudi Arabia

EN: Cultural practices related to Taif roses

FR: Les pratiques culturelles relatives aux roses de Taif

Representative List

File reference: 2089

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - EN translation audio:English

18 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - audio:Arabic/English

18 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

18 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

27 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

04 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cultural practices related to Taif roses’ (06:45):English

27 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Naïve painting practices of Kovačica

FR: La pratique de l’art naïf de Kovačica

Representative List

File reference: 2104

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Serbian/English

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:English

30 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Serbian/Slovak/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:Serbian/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Naïve painting practices of Kovačica’ (06:10):Serbian/English

30 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: School of Crafts ÚĽUV

FR: L’école d’artisanat ÚĽUV

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

File reference: 2107

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Slovak/English

30 Mar 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘School of Crafts ÚĽUV’ (05:18):Slovak/English

30 Mar 2023
Return to top

EN: Asturian cider culture

FR: La culture asturienne du cidre

Representative List

File reference: 1959

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

05 Jul 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Spanish/English

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Spanish/English

Community organizations (section 4.2):English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:Spanish/Asturian/English

05 Jul 2023
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

29 Mar 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Asturian cider culture’ (09:50):English

29 Mar 2022
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

02 Aug 2024
Return to top
Spain - Italy

EN: Manual bell ringing

FR: La sonnerie manuelle des cloches

Representative List

File reference: 2100

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Dec 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):Italian/English

30 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Spain - consent by communities from original nomination:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Italy - consent by newly joining communities:Italian/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Italy:Italian/English

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Italy:English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Tradizione Campanaria Italiana, voci della comunità / Italian bell-ringing tradition, voices from the community’ (04:33):Italian/English

21 Dec 2023
Return to top
State of Palestine

EN: Tradition of Nabulsi soap making in Palestine

FR: La tradition de la fabrication du savon Nablus en Palestine

Representative List

File reference: 2112

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Aug 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:English

29 Aug 2023
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

04 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The tradition of Nabulsi soap making in Palestine’ (09:48):Arabic/English

22 Aug 2023
Return to top
Sweden - Norway

EN: Summer farming at fäbod and seter: knowledge, traditions and practices related to the grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production

FR: L’estivage dans un fäbod et seter : connaissances, traditions et pratiques liées au pâturage des terres reculées et à la production alimentaire artisanale

Representative List

File reference: 2109

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2):English

31 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Swedish and Norway:Swedish/Norwegian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Norway:Norwegian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Sweden:Swedish/English

13 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Norway:English

28 Nov 2022
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Sweden:English

28 Nov 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Summer farming at fäbod and seter. Knowledge, traditions and practices related to grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production’ (09:54):English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top
Syrian Arab Republic

EN: Craftsmanship of Aleppo Ghar soap

FR: L’artisanat du savon Ghar d’Alep

Representative List

File reference: 2132

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report):English

04 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Aleppo Ghar soap’ (10:00):Arabic/English

30 Mar 2023
Return to top
Tajikistan - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Ceremony of Mehregan

FR: La cérémonie du mehregân

Representative List

File reference: 2144

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Tajikistan - filmed:Tajik/English

24 Jan 2024
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

26 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Islamic Republic of Iran - filmed consent:Persian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:Persian/English

26 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Ceremony of Mehregan’ (10:00):English

26 Mar 2021
Return to top

EN: Tomyum Kung

FR: Le tomyum-kung

Representative List

File reference: 1879

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - video:Thai/English

27 Sep 2023
Community organizations (section 4.2):English

27 Sep 2023
Consent of communities:English/Thai

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English/Thai

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Tomyum Kung’ (09:59):English

31 Mar 2021
Return to top

EN: Performing arts among the Twāyef of Ghbonten

FR: Les arts du spectacle chez les ṭwāyef de Ghbonten

Representative List

File reference: 1875

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Oct 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - filmed:French

01 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:French/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:French/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report):French

07 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les arts du spectacle chez les ṭwāyef de Ghbonten’ (09:40):French

31 Mar 2021
Return to top

EN: Safeguarding programme of kobza and wheel lyre tradition

FR: Le programme de sauvegarde de la tradition de la kobza et de la vielle à roue

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices

File reference: 2136

Note: selected

Nomination form ICH-03:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Community organizations (section 5.2 - ICH-03):English

09 Nov 2023
Consent of communities:English/Ukrainian

09 Nov 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Safeguarding practice of kobza and wheel lyre tradition’ (10:00):Ukrainian/English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top
Ukraine - Estonia

EN: Pysanka, Ukrainian tradition and art of decorating eggs

FR: Le pysanka, tradition et art ukrainiens de décorer des œufs

Representative List

File reference: 2134

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Dec 2023
Consent of communities - Estonia:Ukrainian/English

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Ukraine:Ukrainian/English

22 Dec 2023
ICH inventory - Estonia:Estonian/English

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Ukraine:Ukrainian/English

02 Oct 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Ukraine:English

10 Apr 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Estonia:English

04 Feb 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Pysanka, Ukrainian tradition and art of decorating eggs’ (09:22):English

31 Mar 2023
Return to top
United Arab Emirates - Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - State of Palestine - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Tunisia - Yemen

EN: Henna: rituals, aesthetic and social practices

FR: Le henné : rituels, esthétique et pratiques sociales

Representative List

File reference: 2116

Note: inscribed

Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - United Arab Emirates - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Bahrain - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Egypt - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Kuwait - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Qatar - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Saudi Arabia - filmed:Arabic/English

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Iraq:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Jordan:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Mauritania:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Morocco:French

23 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Oman:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Palestine:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Qatar:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Sudan:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Tunisia:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Communities’ statement (Criterion R.2) - Yemen:English/Arabic

28 Sep 2023
Consent of communities - Mauritania:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Morocco:English/Arabic/French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Qatar:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Sudan:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Tunisia:French/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Yemen:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Palestine - audio:English

23 Sep 2023
Consent of communities - filmed (United Arab Emirates, Oman, Egypt, Qatar, Algeria):Arabic/English

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Algeria:French

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Bahrain:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Egypt:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Iraq:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Jordan:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Kuwait:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Kuwait:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Algeria:French/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Egypt:English

26 Apr 2023
ICH inventory - Bahrain:English/Arabic

26 Apr 2023
ICH inventory - Iraq:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Jordan:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Mauritania:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Morocco:French

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Palestine:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Qatar:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Sudan:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Tunisia:French/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Yemen:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - United Arab Emirates:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Algeria:French

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Saudi Arabia:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Bahrain:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Egypt:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Iraq:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Jordan:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Kuwait:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Morocco:French

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Mauritania:French

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Oman:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Palestine:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Qatar:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Sudan:English

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Tunisia:French

04 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Yemen:English

04 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Henna: rituals, aesthetic and social practices’ (13:51):English

28 Sep 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

05 Aug 2024
Return to top
United Arab Emirates - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Jordan

EN: Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity

FR: Le café arabe, un symbole de générosité

Representative List

File reference: 2111

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Jordan - consent by newly joining communities:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Oman - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Qatar - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia - consent by communities from the original nomination:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Jordan:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Qatar:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - Jordan:English

04 Dec 2023
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity’ (09:04):English

31 Mar 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

05 Aug 2024
Return to top
Viet Nam

EN: Festival of Bà Chúa Xứ Goddess at Sam Mountain

FR: Le festival de la déesse Bà Chúa Xứ au Mont Sam

Representative List

File reference: 1999

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

09 Oct 2023
Consent of communities - filmed:English|Vietnamese

09 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:English/Vietnamese

31 Mar 2022
ICH inventory:English/Vietnamese

31 Mar 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Festival of Bà Chúa Xứ Goddess at Sam Mountain’ (09:56):English|Vietnamese

09 Oct 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

09 Aug 2024
Return to top

EN: Mangwengwe dance

FR: La danse mangwengwe

Representative List

File reference: 1855

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

09 Oct 2023
Consent of communities:English/Bemba/Mambwe/Mwanga

26 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English

26 Mar 2021
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2023:English

13 Dec 2023
ICH inventory (periodic report) - 2015:English

30 Nov 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Mangwengwe dance (captioned in Northern and Muchinga Provinces)’ (07:45):English

09 Oct 2023
Dialogue: questions from the Evaluation Body and answers from submitting State:English/French

08 Aug 2024