- Budget du projet :
- 80 829 US$
- Source :
- Fonds en dépôt du Japon
- Dates de mise en œuvre :
- 01/11/2005 - 01/12/2008
Pays bénéficiaire(s) : Cambodge
Résumé :
© Ministère de la Culture et des Beaux-Arts
Graceful hand gestures, elaborate choreography and stunning costumes distinguish the Khmer classical dance. This project has been designed to ensure the safeguarding of the Khmer Royal Ballet and to support the preservation and promotion of this cultural expression.
The project seeks to provide sustainable foundations for the transmission of skills to the younger generations and to promote awareness of the value of – as well as of the importance to safeguard - this intangible cultural heritage among the Cambodian community. Therefore, the action plan focuses on several priorities including the capacity building for Cambodian staff in the field of research and project management, documentation of knowledge and skills from old masters to prevent its loss, improvement of professionals’ expertise and facilities, advance training workshops for dancers, training of teachers, increasing public awareness through performances.
The project activities include four components:
- Research and documentation;
- Development of education programme for both professionals and amateurs;
- Support for the development of the national troupe;
- Facilitation of public access to Royal Ballet performances.
01/01/2005 - 01/12/2008 – La sauvegarde du Lakalaka, discours chantés et mouvements chorégraphiés01/07/2007 - 01/12/2008 – Organisation de trois ateliers sous-régionaux de renforcement des capacités en Afrique