The Committee
- Takes note that Slovakia has proposed School of Crafts ÚĽUV (No. 02107) for selection and promotion by the Committee as a programme, project or activity best reflecting the principles and objectives of the Convention:
The School of Crafts ÚL’UV aims to safeguard, promote and develop traditional crafts in Slovakia. Since 1999, its courses have encouraged and facilitated the use of available natural materials for a wide range of traditional craft techniques. The teaching methodology is developed by the bearers of each craft, taking into account the current context (such as the availability of materials, the necessary tools and how the finished products are used). The School of Crafts is open to children from the age of six and to people of all genders, abilities and religious and ethnic backgrounds. The training activities are offered at different difficulty levels, and tutors share and build on the existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and methodological materials. The mass rural exodus and other global influences are changing the form and meaning of traditional crafts around the world. The School of Crafts model can be replicated in other countries with the need to safeguard traditional crafts in a safe and encouraging environment. A regional or state system of safeguarding traditional crafts ‘under one roof’ such as this one, managed in close cooperation with the bearers, offers many benefits and has proven successful over two decades of the programme’s existence.
- Considers that, from the information included in the file, the programme responds as follows to the criteria for selection as a good safeguarding practice in paragraph 7 of the Operational Directives:
P.1: The School of Crafts ÚL’UV is a national programme that started in 1999. The programme combines the knowledge and skills of experienced masters with the knowledge of ethnologists and the vision of design bearers to document, publish and develop programmes for skills transfer. The programme gradually evolved into a systematic year-round course. The teaching methodology was developed by bearers and is aligned to ensure consistent content standards. The programme raises awareness about the renewability of the natural materials used in the craft activities.
P.2: ÚL’UV is a European Craft Organisation (ECO) and World Craft Council Europe (WCCE) member. It is actively involved in sharing safeguarding experiences through crafts activities, conducting exhibitions, and participating in festivals at regional, subregional and international levels. ÚL’UV is currently preparing a project with the Hungarian Heritage House under the Creative Europe Programme.
P.3: The programme contributes to and reflects the principles and objectives of the Convention. By promoting communication between craftspeople of varying ages, genders and origins, it has contributed to mutual respect of artisanal work and its diversity. The traditional crafts techniques, natural materials and patterns from Slovakia used form a part of a cultural heritage that combines practicality, aesthetics and sustainability. The activities of the School of Crafts are based on the active involvement and participation of the craftspeople as bearers.
P.4: The nomination file demonstrates various results that highlight the effectiveness of the programme. The file demonstrates the participation of children, youth and women in 2022, when the school conducted 249 courses, 776 creative excursions and 27 lectures. The team of tutors has been strengthened by the inclusion of younger masters, half of whom are School of Crafts alumni. Currently, more than 109 artisanal producers from all over Slovakia are involved in the crafts activities in the 3 regional centres.
P.5: Participation of the communities in the implementation of the programme is strong, with craftspeople, artisans, students and tutors (among others) participating in the transmission of knowledge and skills. The communities concerned confirmed their free, prior and informed consent through letters.
P.6: The School of Crafts programme can be replicated in other countries aiming to safeguard traditional techniques with renewable natural resources. The use of methodological materials can inspire various learning contexts.
P.7: The nomination file includes consent letters from stakeholders bearing evidence of their willingness and commitment to cooperate and disseminate the good safeguarding practices.
P.8: The leadership and staff members of the School of Crafts systematically monitor course activities and inspect classes. The periodic inspections are used as a means of soliciting feedback on the programme. In 2022, 114 people responded to feedback questionnaires, and these responses were used to improve the programme. Many children participate in summer crafts camps for several years in a row.
- Decides to select School of Crafts ÚĽUV as a programme, project or activity best reflecting the principles and objectives of the Convention;
- Commends the State Party for a well-prepared file that can serve as a good safeguarding model for transmitting traditions to future generations.