Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 19.COM 7.B.36

The Committee

  1. Takes note that Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia have nominated Xeer Ciise: Oral customary laws of Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia (No. 02087) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

The Xeer Ciise refers to the oral customary laws of the Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. A highly structured and rigorously codified system of democratic governance, it has three main components: (a) a political constitution, which defines the distribution of power and decision-making processes; (b) a penal code, which establishes community justice, focusing on reconciliation and compensation; and (c) a code of social conduct, which defines a series of metaphysical, spiritual and social principles and values to regulate collective and individual behaviour. These laws help ensure peaceful coexistence within the community and with other ethnic groups. They incorporate global values and principles, such as respecting the rights of women and children, environmental conservation, peaceful conflict resolution and mutual assistance. Xeer Ciise is transmitted informally, including through tales, proverbs, games, poetry and initiation rites. It is also transmitted through formal educational curricula, panel discussions, symposiums and print and electronic media. For the Somali-Issa, the practice unites communities in the Horn of Africa and defines their collective and individual identity, their mutual solidarity and their social cohesion. The system promotes conflict resolution, peace, cooperation, and moral conduct, while enhancing social equity and good governance.

  1. Considers that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

R.1:   The Xeer Ciise are oral customary laws of the Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. The practitioners and bearers of Xeer Ciise are the Somali-Issa communities. The Guddi, Gande and the Ugaas have special responsibilities in the practice and transmission of the element. The knowledge and skills are transmitted through tales, proverbs, games, poetry and rituals of initiation. They are also transmitted formally through formal educational curriculums, symposiums and print and electronic media. The element unites the Somali-Issa communities in the Horn of Africa and defines their collective and individual identity. It promotes mutual solidarity and social cohesion, and functions as a mechanism for conflict resolution, peace and cooperation.

R.3:   The States Parties of Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia have undertaken a number of current and future measures to safeguard Xeer Ciise with the full participation and consent of the communities. These measures include creating legal frameworks for the protection of intangible cultural heritage and allocating budgets to support the implementation of various safeguarding activities with the participation of the communities concerned and relevant associations. Knowledge of the element will be incorporated in formal and non-formal education in all three countries to ensure the element’s transmission to younger generations. A joint social platform of the Somali-Issa communities of the three countries was established in view of mobilizing the communities and informing them about the safeguarding measures that protect the element from threats. A comprehensive documentary film about the Xeer Ciise will be prepared in Somali, French and English languages and will be broadcasted on television and online to promote the element’s importance and strengthen the awareness of the communities concerned. The countries will also exchange information collected from research and inventorying processes for the use of the bearers, practitioners, researchers and the general public.

  1. Further considers that, from the information included in the file and the information provided by the submitting States through the dialogue process, the nomination satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:

R.2:   The element contributes to sustainable development by organizing and regulating the use and distribution of limited resources through a sophisticated system of solidarity. This system ensures, among others, equitable access to water and grazing lands. The oral customary laws are used as tools for maintaining and promoting peaceful co-existence. They aim to apply justice and arbitrate economic disputes by building consensus. The customary laws provide for the respect and protection of children and women’s rights, and promote inclusive economic development.

R.4:   To prepare the nomination file, the submitting States Parties established a working group consisting of experts and NGO representatives in 2022. The working group established contact with members of the communities concerned and many stakeholders who contributed in a variety of ways. While planning for the nomination, the process received the widest possible participation of communities at different stages. At a planning workshop held in August 2022 in Aysha, Somalia, practitioners, bearers and custodians were consulted on the benefits and impacts of the inscription based on information provided beforehand. They provided their free, prior and informed consent. The relevance and benefit of the nomination was explained throughout the process. NGOs such as the Sitti Heritage Foundation participated in the nomination and organized seminars and information sessions for communities. Scholars who published books on the Xeer Ciise were consulted and contributed to the preparation of the file. Details of the role of communities in the nomination process was provided through the dialogue process.

R.5:   The element is included in the National Register of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ethiopia, the National Inventory of Somalia and the National Register of Cultural Heritage Inventories in Djibouti. Information on the organisations maintaining the inventories in each State is provided. Members of the communities concerned actively participated in the data collection process for the inventorying of this element. They attended focus group discussions and structured and semi-structured interviews. The frequency of updating the inventories in Somalia and Djibouti were indicated in the file and the information pertaining to Ethiopia’s inventory was clarified during the dialogue process.

  1. Decides to inscribe Xeer Ciise: Oral customary laws of Somali-Issa communities in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
