The Committee
- Takes note that Brazil has nominated Traditional ways of making Artisan Minas Cheese in Minas Gerais (No. 02102) for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:
The process of making artisanal Minas cheese involves knowledge and techniques developed by small rural producers in the State of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. Local cheesemakers are proud of the tradition of using raw milk and the ‘pingo’ (drop), a natural yeast composed of region-specific bacteria which, along with the maturation period and the local climate, contributes to the specific flavour, colour and aroma of the cheeses. The related knowledge includes pasture and cattle management, crafting techniques, and the sale of the products in local fairs and markets. Artisanal Minas cheese is associated with hospitality and is commonly consumed with sweets and drinks in meetings and gatherings and on special occasions. Most of the cheesemakers own small rural properties and work in small-scale, family-based systems. Family members and local communities take part in the work when production volumes rise. The knowledge is transmitted orally among family members throughout all stages of the process. Learning takes place through observation and daily interactions with experienced workers in the family. Making and consuming artisanal Minas cheese reinforces the feeling of belonging to a place and community. It also strengthens local economies, improves quality of life, and contributes to socioeconomic inclusion.
- Considers that, from the information included in the file, the nomination satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:
R.1: The knowledge and techniques of developing Minas cheese were developed throughout the last three centuries by small rural producers in the State of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. Both men and women are involved in the production of the cheese and the division of labour lies in whoever has ‘good hands’ for making cheese in the property. The knowledge is transmitted orally among family members throughout all stages of the process. Learning takes place through observation and daily interactions with experienced workers in the family. The concern about animal welfare is often considered, as well as best practices for farming. Making and consuming artisanal Minas cheese reinforces hospitality, respect for nature and the feeling of belonging to a place and community. It also strengthens local economies, improves quality of life, and contributes to socioeconomic inclusion.
R.2: The element contributes directly to various aspects of sustainable development. Small family farms contribute to sustainable production and consumption and to the eradication of poverty, hunger and inequalities. The practice equally strengthens local economies, balances income distribution and improves the quality of life of practitioners. The element is a testimony of human ingenuity in developing and perpetuating a food production system that is maintained by family farmers for generations. Environmental sustainability is guaranteed when minimal external inputs and reduced waste are utilized as compared to conventional dairy production methods. This favours the conservation of natural resources. In Minas Gerais, the production of artisanal Minas cheese is responsible for the direct subsistence of 9,000 families. As a major source of income for some municipalities, it contributes to socio-economic inclusion and to the settlement of families and young people in the production regions.
R.3: In 2009, the Deliberative Collective for Safeguarding the Ways of Making Artisan Minas Cheese (AMC) was created in a coordination meeting involving governmental and non-governmental bodies, bearers’ associations and researchers. As a result, a safeguarding plan was set up in 2013 with four main courses of action: (a) cultural production and reproduction; (b) social mobilization and public policies; (c) participatory management and sustainability; and (d) dissemination and promotion. Knowledge exchange activities, such as the distribution of educational and informative materials and the organization of exhibitions and school workshops, were prioritized. The Brazilian national policy for family farming agriculture plays an important role in the element’s sustainability. There are government incentives for bearers to access quality and original designation systems, such as Geographical Indications. This not only adds cultural value to the commercialized cheeses, but also contributes to the improvement of bearers’ self-organization as well as to the dissemination of the values of the element to society.
R.4: The mobilization for the nomination of the element started in 2022, when producers were consulted by the State Secretary of Culture regarding their interest in being included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Support and consent letters to the nomination were first obtained at the Artisan Minas Cheese Festival in September 2022. Thereafter, the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute was consulted. It suggested a broader dialogue with bearers and obtained data regarding the element, along with videos and photos to support the nomination. In late 2022, six bearers from different production regions were designated by the associations to participate as observers at the seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention. In addition, various associations from different regions supported the nomination and offered contributions to the contents of the nomination file.
R.5: The element is included in various inventories at the federal and regional levels. These are managed and maintained by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute – IPHAN, the State Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage of Minas Gerais - IEPHA/MG, and the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais. Information about the updating of the inventory with the participation of the communities concerned, is available in the State’s periodic reports submitted in 2014 and 2021.
- Decides to inscribe Traditional ways of making Artisan Minas Cheese in Minas Gerais on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.