The Committee,
1. Having examined document LHE/24/19.COM/6.c and its annex,
2. Recalling Decision 18.COM 7.c, as well as Resolutions 10.GA 5 and 10.GA 6,
3. Further recalling Decisions 219 EX/Decision 11 and 219 EX/Decision 13 of the Executive Board of UNESCO and the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration, as well as the 2024 IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s periodic reporting on the Culture Sector’s Conventions and Recommendations,
2. Recalling Decision 18.COM 7.c, as well as Resolutions 10.GA 5 and 10.GA 6,
3. Further recalling Decisions 219 EX/Decision 11 and 219 EX/Decision 13 of the Executive Board of UNESCO and the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration, as well as the 2024 IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s periodic reporting on the Culture Sector’s Conventions and Recommendations,
Ongoing regional cycle of reporting – general
4. Notes with satisfaction the efficiency of the periodic reporting system, which has significantly increased submission rates, and appreciates the commitment, including financial contributions, of all stakeholders involved in the periodic reporting process;
5. Recognizes the work of the Secretariat in providing ongoing and relevant support to States Parties with their periodic reporting process through capacity-building and continuous follow-up activities;
6. Takes note with interest of the ‘Analytical report of the first cycle of periodic reporting on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by States Parties in the Arab States’ as contained in document LHE/24/19.COM/INF.6.c, and welcomes the key findings highlighted in the report, the detailed information on the extent to which reporting States Parties have met the core indicators, and the targets set for the next round of reports;
7. Requests that the Secretariat report on the progress of the periodic reporting exercise on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, for examination by the twentieth session of the Committee;
Rationalization of the periodic reporting mechanism
8. Notes with thanks that States Parties from Asia and the Pacific submitted partial or full reports by the early deadline of 15 June 2024 in order to contribute to the first edition (2025) of the Global Report on Cultural Policies;
9. Further notes the IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s periodic reporting on the Culture Sector’s Conventions and Recommendations, including its conclusions and recommendations;
10. Approves:
a) the methodology and use of data, which is expected to alleviate the reporting burden for States Parties through simplified periodic reporting mechanisms of UNESCO’s normative instruments of the Culture Sector, while maintaining the specificity of each instrument;
b) the updated roadmap as annexed to document LHE/24/19.COM/6.c, which outlines a timeline for the move towards the single global submission system;
11. Further requests the Secretariat to:
a) report on the update concerning the move towards the single global submission date system of periodic reporting for examination by the twentieth session of the Committee, and
b) present the draft amendments to the Operational Directives to this effect for examination by the twentieth session of the Committee in November/December 2025 so that it may recommend these amendments for examination by the eleventh session of the General Assembly in mid-2026.