Trung tâm Nghiên cứu, Hỗ trợ và Phát triển Văn hoá (A&C)

Viet Nam

Contacto: + 84 91 55 71 159
Dirección de correo postal: No 12, lane 823/6 Hong Ha street Hoan Kiem Dist Hanoi
Cobertura geográfica de la experiencia de la ONG: Australia, Camboya, China, Japón, República Democrática Popular Lao


Fecha de creación: 2005

Medidas de salvaguardia:

- identificación, documentación, investigación (inventarios incluidos)
- preservación, protección
- promoción, valorización
- transmisión, enseñanza (no-)formal
- revitalisación

Principales áreas de trabajo relacionadas con la Convención:

One of A&C's recent projects is the project of researching and collecting cultural heritage of people and commutnities in human ecological environment of Thai Nguyen Province. In this project, the center carried out researches relating to this theme and organised intensive training courses on methods and techniques of researching, collecting and safeguarding cultural heritage to the staff of The Museum of Ethic Minorities' Cultures of Thai Nguyen province. In addition the Center has coordinated a project of developing arts and cultural management curricula at MA and BA levels, including the compiling of heritage management curriculum to teach for students at a lot of universities in Vietnam, such as Hanoi University of Culture and Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture. The Centre plays an important role in co-ordinating the "Summer school" training courses in Museums management for leaders of Vietnam museums. To carry out the safeguarding intangible heritage objective, the Center has some experts in the field of cultural heritage such as: Prof. Nguyen Dinh Quang PhD Prof. Nguyen Van Huy PhD BA. Le Ngoc Thuy Asso.Prof.Le Hong Ly PhD Asso.Prof. Ngo Duc Thinh PhD MA. Tran Hau Yen The MA. Do Thi Thanh Thuy MA. Nguyen Thi Anh Quyen PhD. Bui Quang Thang The Centre works closely with the staff of Vietnam Museum of Ethnology and staff of Hanoi University of Culture, Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture to conduct training activities in cultural heritage management.


The Center for Research, Support and Development of Culture, abbreviated A&C, an organization whose objectives is research, consultancy, support, development and coordination for cooperation between individuals, arts organizations, communities and counterparts in arts and cultural sectors. The Center operates as “extended arms” of Vietnam’s culture and arts sectors for the development of arts and culture. One of the Center's primary objectives is to work with other professors, reseachers, managers, commnunities and institutes in researching, safeguarding cultural heritage. Not only aims at preserving cultural heritage, the Centre also attempts to develop and revitalise the cultural heritage in comtemporary time by promoting its new forms of creativity of cultural heritage.


Up to now, the Centre had 4 year working experience in researching, organising training courses and promoting cultural heritage in Vietnam. The Center work in a close collaboration with a wide network of managers, practitioners and communities in the field of cultural heritage. It aims at supplying local communities, groups and practitioners with knowledge and skills on heritage management and involve them in safeguarding cultural heritage in their daily life. By holding courses on heritage management, the Center had hand over usefull knowledge to participants who came from different communities and cultural institutions over the conutry. But the important thing is that, all of them are key people, who will apply the course knowledge on their work. Beside holding the courses, on the fact, the Center also together with local comunities, groups and practitioners caried out activities such as research, collecting, conservation, promotion, restore, etc, intagible cultural heritage. Through those works, both the Center and comminities, groups and practinioners had opportunities to exchange skills, mutual respect and developing parnership relation which will be develop futher in the future.