Resolution of the General Assembly: 3.GA 9

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document ITH/10/3.GA/CONF.201/9,
  2. Recalling Articles 25 to 28 of the Convention and chapter II.1 of the Operational Directives,
  3. Further recalling Decision 4.COM 19,
  4. Acknowledging the need to enhance the human capacities of the Secretariat on a lasting basis in order that it may better respond to the wishes and needs of States Parties,
  5. Commending the several States that have already provided funds or support to the Secretariat to enhance its human capacities,
  6. Recognizing that funds in the amount of approximately US$1,100,000 per year are needed for this purpose,
  7. Decides to establish a dedicated sub-fund, within the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, to be used exclusively for enhancing the human capacities of the Secretariat;
  8. Authorizes the Secretariat to use any funds contributed to the sub-fund, upon receipt, in accordance with the applicable financial regulations and the Organization’s Staff Regulations and Staff Rules and its Human Resources Manual, in particular, as regards the regional balance;
  9. Invites States Parties to provide voluntary supplementary contributions to the sub-fund in the amount of at least US$1,100,000 per year;
  10. Further invites the Director-General and Member States of UNESCO to take this resolution into account as they prepare the Draft Programme and Budget for 2012-2013 (36 C/5).
