International Assistance Requests - 16.COM 3.BUR, October 2021

The request and background documents (intial requests and additional information letters) are presented in the table below.

Files to be evaluated (3)

State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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EN: Community-Based inventory, documenting and safeguarding folklore of the Syunik region of Armenia

FR: Inventaire communautaire, documentation et sauvegarde du folklore de la région de Syunik en Arménie

Amount (US$):  70,855

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

16 Jul 2021
Budget and timetable:English|French

16 Jul 2021
Background documents

04 Oct 2021
Additional information request:English

21 Jun 2021
Budget and timetable:English

30 Mar 2021
Request form ICH-04:English

30 Mar 2021
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Central African Republic

EN: Capacity building of Gbaka, Mbati, Mondjombo communities and stakeholders in the Forest Prefecture of Lobaye and implementation of a pilot identification and inventory project for the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

FR: Renforcer les capacités des communautés Ngbaka, Mbati, Mondjombo et les parties prenantes dans la Préfecture forestière de la Lobaye pour l'Identification, la définition des bésoins et l'inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Amount (US$):  55,049

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

21 Jun 2021
Budget and timetable:English|French

21 Jun 2021
Background documents

04 Oct 2021
Additional information request:French

21 May 2021
Budget and timetable:French

01 Apr 2020
Request form ICH-04:French

01 Apr 2020
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EN: Safeguarding the Oulad Mbarek epic

FR: Sauvegarde de l'épopée Oulad Mbarek

Amount (US$):  88,375

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

18 Jun 2021
Budget and timetable:English|French

18 Jun 2021
Background documents

04 Oct 2021
Additional information request:French

07 May 2021
Request form ICH-04:French

21 Aug 2019
Budget and timetable:French

21 Aug 2019