17 April 2008 - 18 April 2008


Strengthening National Capacities for Implementing the 2003 Convention

17 April 2008 - 18 April 2008
Workshop (not CB strategy)

Wayang puppet theatre Read more on the element
© SENA WANGI Indonasian National Wayang Secretariat

Following Indonesia’s ratification of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in October 2007, the UNESCO Office in Jakarta, the Department of Culture and Tourism and the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO are jointly convening a two-day capacity building workshop for the implementation of the Convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible cultural heritage, with technical support from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section of UNESCO Headquarters.

The participants of the national workshop will consist of: cultural officials, researchers, universities, community representatives and practitioners.

The objectives of the workshop are to strengthen the national capacities for implementing the 2003 Convention and to provide stakeholders with the information relating to the implementation of the 2003 Convention, with particular attention to the:

  1. intangible cultural heritage resources mapping on Indonesia’s territory with the participation of communities, for promoting and safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in Indonesia, and
  2. understanding the timeline and procedure for the preparation of nomination files to the Representative List and to the List of Intangible Heritage in Urgent Need of Safeguarding.

Contact in UNESCO Jakarta Office: Himalchuli Gurung, Programme Specialist for Culture
