Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 6.COM 6

The Committee,

  1. Having examined Document ITH/11/6.COM/CONF.206/6 Rev.,
  2. Recalling Articles 7, 29 and 30 of the Convention concerning reports by the States Parties,
  3. Further recalling Chapter V of the Operational Directives,
  4. Thanks the five States Parties that submitted periodic reports for the 2011 reporting cycle and invites the two States Parties that have not yet submitted the expected reports to duly submit them at the earliest opportunity;
  5. Decides to submit to the General Assembly the ‘Overview and summary of the 2011 reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of all elements inscribed on the Representative List’, as presented in Document ITH/11/6.COM/CONF.206/6 Rev. ;
  6. Emphasizes the importance of the periodic reporting exercise as an opportunity for each State Party to take stock of its own progress in implementing the Convention, as a tool for the Committee to assess needs and priorities for international cooperation, in particular for strengthening the capacities of States Parties to implement the Convention, and as a means of monitoring the status of elements inscribed on the Representative List and analysing the impact of such inscriptions;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to inform States Parties concerned at least twelve months prior to the respective deadline for submission of periodic reports and encourages States Parties concerned to respect the statutory deadlines in submitting their periodic reports.
