"Our Heritage, Lasting Heritage" Online Campaign
The event is to celebrate launching the campaign of “Our Heritage, Lasting Heritage” that is an online campaign for safeguarding and promoting ICH.
Since the intangible cultural heritage is the basis of the culture of communities and nations, safeguarding ICH is an essential and critical task for everyone, especially those with more social impacts and followers as a reference. On the one hand, a significant category of these social influencers are elites, nobles, scholars, and celebrities such as artists, actors, directors, musicians, litterateurs, writers, athletes, famous figures for youth and children, social heroes, and living human treasures that mostly have a potent social impact, especially among their followers and fans. On the other hand, in recent years, social media, especially Instagram on the top, has had the widest spread and most rapid social impacts.
To benefit both the mentioned social influencers and the advantages of social media, Mana Naqsh Heritage Institute for Art & Culture, as an accredited NGO, has designed and organised, and hosts the online Instagram campaign “Our Heritage, Lasting Heritage”. The campaign will take advantage of the mentioned individuals by producing short video clips containing memories, tips, and stories to creatively introduce and promote the ICH elements at national and international levels; the video clips will be uploaded as Instagram posts on the page of Mana Naqsh as well as their own pages. Also, a periodic report and selected posts will be uploaded on the Mana Naqsh website and some cultural news agencies. This is worth mentioning that this is a Non-commercial and non-profit campaign.
While the vision of the campaign is to become global, in the first stage it will cover Iran and then the neighbouring countries.
Text as provided by the organiser(s).