The Committee,
- Having examined document LHE/24/19.COM/6.a,
- Recalling Chapter V of the Operational Directives and its Decisions 6.COM 8.21, 11.COM 9.b.6 and 15.COM 7.9,
- Expresses its appreciation to United Arab Emirates for submitting, on time, its third report on the status of the element ‘Al Sadu, traditional weaving skills in the United Arab Emirates’, inscribed in 2011 on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding;
- Takes note of the efforts undertaken by the State Party to safeguard the element, in particular by developing diverse and inclusive possibilities of training, providing support to practitioners to boost their income from the element, encouraging innovation and increasing demand, and enhancing the popularity of the element across its territory;
- Encourages the State Party to further pursue its efforts to provide possibilities to learn the element and all associated aspects through education and training, to support the practitioners of the element to benefit from its practice, and to sustain the engagement of various governmental and non-governmental entities in safeguarding the element;
- Notes the planned expansion of the market and the development of e-commerce to increase income from the element, and recalls the importance of assessing the potential risk of over-commercialization and preventing the decontextualization of the element as a result of increased market demands;
- Invites the State Party to continue the participatory monitoring of safeguarding efforts and to ensure the involvement of the communities, groups and individuals concerned, as well as of relevant non-governmental organizations, in developing and implementing the safeguarding measures;
- Notes the widespread practice and gained popularity of the element and the intention of the State Party to request the transfer of the element from the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.