Principales áreas de trabajo relacionadas con la Convención:
THAAP registered as a Not-For-Profit Section 42 Company with the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) in 2011; however, before this formal registration THAAP came into existence in 2006 and was actively involved in the cultural mapping projects in the three districts of South Punjab. THAAP is headquartered in Lahore and maintains a field office in Bahawalpur.
THAAP in collaboration with UNESCO, is carrying out Community based Inventory in all 3 Kalasha valleys Mumuret (Bumburet), Biriu (Birir), and Rukmu (Rumbur), for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage under the framework of the Convention 2003 since 2015.
This current project stems from an approximately year long interaction with the Kalasha community through a project funded by the Canada Fund For Local Initiatives (CFLI) implemented in the Kalasha Bumburet Valley between November 2015 and March 2016.
The methodology for the inventory of the intangible cultural heritage, Community Based Inventory form and the database that has been developed by THAAP has been adopted by the Government of Pakistan and is in use nationwide.
The element chosen and sent through the Government of Pakistan for inscription on UNESCO's list of ICH in need of Urgent Safeguarding i.e. "Suri Jagek: The Kalasha Meteorological and Astronomical Practice of Observing the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Shadows" was to be researched upon further and a list of potential ICH elements to be submitted the USL or the Representatives List of Humanities was to be prepared.
THAAP has successfully completed an assignment for PSDF in district Rahim Yar Khan and Vehari through the "Skill for Market 2014-15" Project. This pertained to the Safeguarding of the Embellished fabric traditions of South Punjab and the empowerment of women.
In 2012 THAAP, participated in another Safeguarding of ICH in South Punjab. THAAP partnered with USAID's Entrepreneurs Project of 'Strengthening of Hand Embellished Fabric Value Chain in South of Punjab." Under this project THAAP has been operational in 4 districts of South Punjab and has gained valuable experience of working with 5000 women embellishers belonging to diverse communities. Under this project THAAP has successfully established 100 Centers (44 in Bahawalpur, 23 in Multan, 17 in Lodhran and 16 in DG Khan) each having 50 women embellishers working under a female sales agent and a master trainer.
In terms of achievements THAAP has successfully trained and empowered more than 10,000 artisans through its works in South Punjab resulting in nearly 70,000 indirect beneficiaries and about 120,000 people made aware of the nexus between culture, social and economic development as well as benefits of capacity building.
THAAP's Project in December 2011 was "Promoting Cultural Industries for Poverty Alleviation in District Bahawalpur", a UNESCO-Dutch Funded project, which also involved training women in the Disaster prone area of Cholistan in marketable skills based on the traditional crafts of the region through creation of collectives called' Sanjhok'.
Between 2011 and 2014, THAAP has also been involved in a safeguarding activity related to the integration of ICH in education in FATA and Khyber Pakhtunwa as an implementing partner for the Asia Pacific Pilot project carried out in 4 countries.
In 2009-10 THAAP team provided critical inputs in the UNESCO-Norway funded Project "Mapping of Cultural Assets in Districts Multan and Bahawalpur", and later in Vehari, and developed a database which includes the villages where special skills of craft-making is available.
THAAP has established 4 sub-sets to focus on the many areas of interest to the organization and has grown its operations in a short time by separating its various interests and giving each due focus. These sub-sections and corresponding objectives are listed as follows:
THAAP Conference: an Avenue for Intellectual and Creative Discourse
THAAP Safeguading Culture Heritage: for Community based Interventions
THAAP Crafts: A Marketing Window
THAAP Publications: for dissemination.
The purpose of THAAP endeavor is exploring, strengthening and extending the rich culture and cultural expressions in art and architecture as well as promote the historical and cultural understanding of Pakistan in general and Punjab as well as Kalash in north of Pakistan in particular.
THAAP aims to reassess and revisit history and create scholarship and knowledge of the old and recent history from the people's perspective and disseminate to a wide audience.
THAAP believes that Culture is intrinsic to individuals and communities and integral to the human condition. It links culture to the inalienable rights of individuals and communities and at the core of development and poverty alleviation strategies.
THAAP endeavors to create a nexus between the cultural assets of communities, both tangible and intangible, and their economic development. It appreciates that the safeguarding of cultural assets can only be achieved if linked to economic opportunities and livelihood for communities.
The preservation and conservation of the rich heritage of Pakistan in both its tangible and intangible form is of special focus to the organization's mission. This includes both archaeological remains and the numerous historic and architectural sites spread in different parts of Pakistan, as well as the rich craft traditions and the many forms of intangible expression.
The continuing quest for ideas and the creative impulse has been an inherent part of civilization; the human condition and the thread woven in the past continues in the present, finding new ways of expression, giving new meanings and discovering new directions.
THAAP strives to safeguard ICH through the laters integration in education and learning.
THAAP has vast experience of working with ICH tradition bearers and practitioners and has sustained a strong bond with many men and women over the years through commitment and connectivity with local communities. Some of these ICH bearers came into contact with THAAP researchers/experts and cultural professionals through various Safeguarding Projects that THAAP has been either a part of, or, has generated through its own initiatives. THAAP also maintains a database of TBs which is a useful resource to connect TBs to potential opportunities. In its field office in South Punjab, THAAP also has an information desk for assisting the South Punjab TBs to access livelihood enhancing avenues such as exhibitions and other events of economic significance. THAAP is currently involved with ICH activities in the Kalasha Valleys of Khyber Pukthankhawa. This connection has led to Community Based Inventorying (CBI) led by the community with the assistance of THAAP staff. The methodology, instruments and systems developed for CBI by THAAP have been adopted nationwide through the aegis of the Federal Government. These joint efforts by the community and THAAP have also resulted in the development of a dossier; prepared for one element's inscription on the list of ICH in need for Urgent Safeguarding. THAAP also plays an advocacy role for TBs and ICH communities in an effort to highlight their problems and promote special skills and knowledge under the custodianship of the tradition bearers.