International Assistance Requests - 17.COM 5.BUR, October 2022

The request and background documents (initial requests and additional information letters) are presented in the table below.

Files to be evaluated (3)

State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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Belize - Costa Rica - Cuba - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama

EN: Capacity building for community leaders and public managers to safeguard the living heritage of Afro-descendant communities in the SICA region and Cuba

FR: Renforcement des capacités des dirigeants communautaires et des gestionnaires publics pour sauvegarder le patrimoine vivant des communautés afro-descendantes dans la région SICA et à Cuba

Amount (US$):  99,986

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

20 Jul 2022
Budget and timetable:English|French

20 Jul 2022
Background documents
Budget - Request for changes in the budget:English


20 Oct 2022
Budget and timetable:English

20 Jul 2022
Request form ICH-04:English

20 Jul 2022
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EN: Digital journey to intangible cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan

FR: Voyage numérique vers le patrimoine culturel immatériel du Kirghizstan

Amount (US$):  99,963

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

26 Jul 2022
Budget and timetable:English|French

26 Jul 2022
Background documents

04 Oct 2022
Additional information request:English

24 Jun 2022
Budget and timetable:English

29 Apr 2022
Request form ICH-04:English

29 Apr 2022
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EN: Field School for capacity-building in safeguarding living heritage of ethnic communities in Thailand

FR: École de terrain pour le renforcement des capacités de sauvegarde du patrimoine vivant des communautés ethniques en Thaïlande

Amount (US$):  100,000

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

25 Jul 2022
Budget and timetable:English|French

25 Jul 2022
Background documents

20 Oct 2022
Additional information request:English

20 Jun 2022
Budget and timetable:English

25 Apr 2022
Request form ICH-04:English

25 Apr 2022