Synergy in ICH Safeguarding | Синергія в охороні НКС
The main idea of the activity is to present results and perspectives of synergetic efforts in ICH safeguarding between accredited NGOs, professional associations, public cultural and heritage organizations, research. and educational institutions. Such platform or a cluster can provide scientific background for identification and documentation process, constructive environment for experience exchange, opportunity for promotion and marketing, new ways for knowledge and skills transmitting.
The activity will consist of the exhibition of handicrafts from different regions representing traditional craftsmanship of Ukraine, photos of products, processes and masters; offline/online conference on ICH losses and needs; presentation of paper and electronic versions of the scientific magazine “Culturological Ideas”, special issue dedicated to 20th anniversary of the Convention 2003 and 15th anniversary of its ratification by Ukraine, and discussion; presentation of results of the project “Teaching and learning with living heritage in Ukraine” by pilot schools from Odesa. Kyiv and Volyn region; presentation of the pilot project “Heritage Crafts in Ukraine” in pilot oblasts - Odeska and Volynska.