The Committee,
- Having examined Document ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/9;
- Recalling Article 9 of the Convention and Chapter 3.2.2 of the Operational Directives;
- Further recalling Resolution 2.GA 6;
- Decides that the following organizations satisfy the criteria set out in the above-mentioned Directives and recommends to the General Assembly that they be accredited to provide advisory services to the Committee:
- Arunodaya kala mahila mandali
- Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO
- Associatia Teatrului Folcloric din România si Republica Moldova / Association du Théâtre Folklorique de Roumanie et de la République de Moldavie
- جمعية لقاءات للتربية والثقافات / Association Cont'Act pour l'Education et les Cultures
- Association Nationale Cultures et Traditions
- Associazione Extra Moenia
- Associazione Musa - Musiche, Canti e Danze tradizionali delle Quattro Province / Musa Association - Music, Songs and traditional Dances from "Four Provinces"
- Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal / Institute of Folk Arts and Culture
- Center for Traditional Music and Dance
- Centre des Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles et Populaires de la Guadeloupe
- Centre UNESCO de Catalunya / Centre UNESCO de Catalogne
- Centro Daniel Rubín de la Borbolla a.c. / Daniel Rubín de la Borbolla Center, a.c.
- Centro de Estudios Borjanos de la Institución "Fernando el Católico" / Centre d'Études Borjanos de l'Institution “Fernando el Católico"
- Centro UNESCO de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla / Centre pour l’UNESCO à Melilla
- Centro UNESCO de Navarra / Centre UNESCO de la Navarre
- Centro UNESCO de San Sebastián / Centre UNESCO de Saint Sebastien
- Chambre des Beaux Arts de Méditerranée
- Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute
- CIOFF България / CIOFF Bulgaria
- Comité Colbert
- Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana S.C. / Conservatoire de la Culture Gastronomique Mexicaine SC
- Craft Revival Trust
- Dastum
- Dhrupud Sansthan Bhopal Nyas / Dhrupad Institute Bhopal Trust
- Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed vzw / FARO. Flemish Interface for Cultural Heritage
- Federatie van Vlaamse Historische Schuttersgilden / Federation of Flemish Historical Guilds
- Fundación Dieta Mediterránea / Mediterranean Diet Foundation
- Goa Heritage Action Group
- Heemkunde Vlaanderen vzw / The Association for the Study of Local History in Flanders
- Iniziative Demo-Etno-Antropologiche e di Storia Orale in Toscana – IDAST / Folkloric, Ethnographic, Anthropological and Oral Historic Initiatives in Tuscany – IDAST
- Instituut voor Vlaamse Volkskunst vzw
- Interactividad Cultural y Desarrollo A.C. / Cultural Interactivity and Development, A.C.
- International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF)
- International Council for Traditional Music / Conseil international de la musique traditionnelle
- International Council of Museums / Conseil international des musées
- International Council on Monuments and Sites / Conseil International des Monuments et des Sites
- International Social Science Council / Conseil international des Sciences sociales
- Jaipur Virasat Foundation
- Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation
- Madhukali
- Norwegian Crafts Development / Norsk Handverksutvikling
- PROMETRA International
- Rådet for folkemusikk og folkedans / Norwegian Council for Traditional Music and Traditional Dance
- Regional Resources Centre for Folk Performing Arts
- Sanskriti Pratisthan
- Società Italiana per la Museografia ed i Beni DemoEtnoAntropologici / Italian Society for Ethnographic Museum Studies and Heritage
- Société Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Folklore / International Society for Ethnology and Folklore
- Tamilnadu Rural Arts Development Centre
- Traditions pour Demain / Traditions for Tomorrow
- Vrinda Kathak Kendra
- World Martial Arts Union
- Asks the Secretariat to review the application presented by Conseil international des radios télévisions d'expression française (CIRTEF), Società Geografica Italiana ONLUS and UNESCO Etxea: Centro UNESCO Euskal Herria and provide technical advice on their admissibility for accreditation, taking into account the positive verbal recommendations by some members of the Committee and any supplementary information provided by the three above-mentioned NGOs;
- Advises the Secretariat in future to submit detailed technical advice on those NGOs that do not appear to fulfil the relevant criteria outlined in the Operational Directives regarding accreditation;
- Further decides to examine at its next session modalities and methods of facilitating the contribution of NGOs from developing countries, in accordance with the Operational Directives concerning advisory assistance to the Committee, and invites States Parties to send written comments in this regard to the Secretariat before 1 March 2009;
- Encourages non-governmental organizations that meet the criteria established in Chapter 3.2.2 of the Operational Directives to submit their requests for accreditation at the earliest opportunity;
- Decides to examine, at its next session, the issue of funding of NGOs from developing countries for their participation at Committee sessions, so as to encourage more balanced geographical representation.