Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 19.COM 5

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/19.COM/5 and its annex,
  2. Acknowledges the efforts of the Secretariat to respond to the new directions established following the celebrations for the twentieth anniversary of the Convention, and for the continuous progress made in advancing the thematic initiatives of the Convention;
  3. Appreciates the positive implementation outcomes following the global reflection on the listing mechanisms, including the new simplified procedures for nominations to the Lists and Register of the 2003 Convention, as well as the continuation of the reflection on a broader implementation of Article 18, and commends the Secretariat for supporting both processes throughout;
  4. Welcomes the completion of the training of new facilitators in the global facilitator network and the reorientation of the global capacity-building programme to a fully multimodal delivery approach, in response to the increasing demand for projects under the first funding priority, ‘Strengthening capacities to safeguard intangible cultural heritage using multi-modal approaches and contribute to sustainable development’, and calls upon States Parties to support the design and implementation of multi-year projects to respond to such requests, notably in Africa and Small Island Developing States;
  5. Further appreciates the steady progress made in the implementation of the second funding priority, ‘Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through formal and non-formal education’, acknowledging the importance given by States Parties to this funding priority, and encourages them to intensify their support for mainstreaming living heritage and education into policies and programmes while providing support for the implementation of projects at the local level.
