The Association for Cultural Equity
United States of AmericaContact: 212-268-4623
Postal address: 425 E. 25th Street Suite 1000 New York NY 10010
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Bahamas, China, Greece, Grenada, Haiti, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sudan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
URL: https://www.culturalequity.org
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A world in which all people can draw strength, pride and pleasure from their creative traditions in the knowledge of their particular contributions to the human story.
Stimulate cultural equity through preservation, research, and dissemination of the world’s traditional music and dance, and reconnect people and communities with their cultural heritage.
A world in which all people can draw strength, pride and pleasure from their creative traditions in the knowledge of their particular contributions to the human story.
Stimulate cultural equity through preservation, research, and dissemination of the world’s traditional music and dance, and reconnect people and communities with their cultural heritage.
Year of creation: 1981
Safeguarding measures:
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
- other
- Repatriation of ICH,
training in archival practices and field
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

01252 The Association for Cultural Equity Photo
© Alan Lomax
© Alan Lomax
The Global Jukebox is a website of music from throughout the world, including educational
activities and journeys through multiple nations. The Lomax Digital Archive includes recordings from the United States, the Caribbean and Europe. Repatriation initiatives to return recordings to source communities and train community members in documentation and archival practices are being carried out in the Caribbean, Europe and the United States.