Organisatie voor Gemeenschapswerk NAKS
SurinameContact: +597-499033; +597 8626804; +597 4321296
Postal address: Thomsonstraat 8, Paramaribo
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Curaçao, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Suriname
URL: https://www.nakssuriname.com
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We strive to contribute to a country where every citizen feels proud of their own culture, where all diverse ethnic groups respect and value each other’s cultures, and where everybody can experience their culture in a free and open way.
NAKS is an organization that promotes social and cultural awareness for the sustainable development of the Surinamese people in general, and especially of the Afro-Surinamese people. NAKS contributes to the cultural consciousness and the safeguard
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives
NAKS has developed and provided a useful tool for inventorying ICH in the field with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, the National Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Regional Office. NAKS network helped to identify Koto experts, the list is gradually expanding and renewed interest for the Koto is growing both in Suriname and the diaspora in the Netherlands. Cooperation has developed between ICH representatives of the Saramaka Tribe (Maroon Community) and NAKS ICH teams. Members of NAKS participate in the #HeritageAlive Journal, as well as in the ICH NGO Forum, including participation in the Research Working Group on Research and the Working Group on a More Balanced Geographical Representation of NGOs accredited to the Convention.