Kansanmusiikki-Insituutti ry
FinlandContact: +358 40 358 8921; +358 50 350 46 00
Postal address: Jyväskyläntie 3 69600 Kaustinen
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Finland
URL: https://www.kansanmusiikki-instituutti.fi
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Folk music and folk dance are viable parts of a communities’ everyday life, and significance of intangible cultural heritage in the society is recognized.
Kansanmusiikki-instituutti advances and promotes Finnish folk music and folk dance and its safeguarding as well as safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in general.
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

© Lauri Oino, Finnish Folk Music Institute Archive, 2019
The project “ICH North - passing on our musical heritage” aims to enhance the role of musical heritage and musical communities in northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Sami region. The project will give musical heritage more visibility as well as promote cross-border cooperation, building bridges between educational institutions and heritage communities and musicians. ICH North applies a bottom-up approach with the communities. The project measures include creating a digital map and a MOOC and advancing entrepreneurship related to musical ICH in the region. Our international networks include ICH NGO Forum and Nordic-Baltic ICH Network, nationally, regionally and locally we participate in the National ICH expert group and many folk music and folk dance related associations, networks and working groups.