Národopisná spoločnosť Slovenska
SlovakiaContact: 00421 2 52964707; 421 907754020
Postal address: Klemensova 19 81364 Bratislava
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Slovakia
URL: https://www.nss.sav.sk
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Leaving the Ivory Tower: Transferring scientific knowledge to the broadest public.
The Ethnographic Society of Slovakia, established 1958, is a voluntary civic association gathering graduates of ethnology as well as students in this field and related disciplines. It is a community of people interested in the safeguarding of ICH, co
Leaving the Ivory Tower: Transferring scientific knowledge to the broadest public.
The Ethnographic Society of Slovakia, established 1958, is a voluntary civic association gathering graduates of ethnology as well as students in this field and related disciplines. It is a community of people interested in the safeguarding of ICH, co
Year of creation: 1994
Safeguarding measures:
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

01132 - Ethnographic Society of Slovakia
© Ethnographic Society of Slovakia, 2017
© Ethnographic Society of Slovakia, 2017
The Ethnographic Society of Slovakia is a co-founder of the international biennial festival of documentary and ethnological film ETNOFILM Čadca, which has been running for 22 years. It presents films on manifestations of traditional folk culture and films focused on mapping the lives of humankind in the complexity of the changing world and ways of life. The Ethnographic Society of Slovakia regularly awards the Ethnologist Behind the Camera Award at this festival.