L'Association canadienne d'ethnologie et de folklore
CanadaContact: 1 418 656 5510 ; 1 418 254 3907
Postal address: CELAT, Pavillon De Koninck 1030 Avenue des Sciences humaines Université Laval QUÉBEC QC G1V 0A6
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Canada
URL: https://www.acef-fsac.ulaval.ca/
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Developing knowledge and ensuring dissemination in ethnology and intangible cultural heritage in Canada and abroad.
Founded in 1976, the Folklore Studies Association of Canada (FSAC) is a non-profit educational association with the aim of supporting training, research and the dissemination of knowledge in ethnology, folklore and intangible and tangible cultural he
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
- other
- pratiques de
sensibilisation et de mise en valeur du
patrimoine culturel immatériel par
différentes formes de médiation
(centres d'interprétation, expositions
muséales, ateliers, écoles d'été,
sites web, applications mobiles, etc.)
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

© Laurier Turgeon, 2016
FSAC member universities house the most extensive oral archives in Canada and provide
undergraduate and graduate programmes in ethnology/folklore since the 1960s. FSAC
regularly organizes workshops, seminars and conferences at its annual meetings, and
publishes articles on ICH in its journal, Ethnologies, distributed in more than 200 libraries in Canada, the United States, Europe, and Africa. A special issue of the journal was published in 2014 on ICH in Canada and the United States (https://www.acef-fsac.ulaval.ca/en/node/271). FSAC recently drafted and launched the Canadian Declaration for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (https://www.acef-fsac.ulaval.ca/en/about/canadian-declaration-safeguarding-intangible-cultural-heritage ). Members have played a pioneering role in the field of inventories by creating the first online multimedia inventories (text, photo, video, audio) on ICH beginning in 2003-2004 in Quebec and in Newfoundland and Labrador: (http://www.irepi.ulaval.ca ) and (www.mun.ca/ich). FSAC members participate actively with museums across Canada to introduce ICH in the museum collections and exhibits.