
Société française d'ethnoscénologie - SOFETH


Contact: 0622071619; 06 50 34 79 34
Postal address: Centre Français du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (CFPCI) Prieuré des Bénédictins 2 rue des Bénédictins 35500 Vitré
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: France

URL: https://www.sofeth.com/

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Advance the study and practice of ethnoscenology, an ethnology of the performing arts and interdisciplinary field of anthropology, ethnology, music, dance and theatre.

Promoting research, practice, teaching and the exchange of scientific information in ethnoscenology relevant to intangible cultural heritage.

Year of creation: 2007

Safeguarding measures:

- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- revitalization

Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

00989 - Société française d’ethnoscénologie - SOFETH
© Nathalie.Gauthard, 2023

A cultural tourism project in Northern France that includes carnival traditions
and processions of giants;
• Publication of an online journal, L’Ethnographie. Création·Pratiques·Publics;
• Performances and related activities featuring Asian and European ICH
presented in Northern France
• Organize colloquia on intangible heritage related to performing arts from all
over the world.
