Kenniscentrum Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Contact: +31 026-3576113
Postal address: Hoeferlaan 4 6816 SG Arnhem
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
URL: https://www.immaterieelerfgoed.nl
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The Dutch Centre would like to contribute to a participatory and sustainable society in which attention is paid to diversity and international cultural exchange by safeguarding ICH and making it visible. In order to inspire and support communities i
The Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage has been coordinating the implementation of the UNESCO Convention (2003) in the Kingdom of the Netherlands since 2012, in the Dutch Caribbean this primarily concerns the public entities of Bonaire,
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

© Cojan van Toor, Sjors Evers
• The DCICH website is an important medium to access the ICH inventory, research and relevant policy documents, ICH communities and researchers. Read for example Magazine TEN, on ten years of safeguarding ICH in the Netherlands.
• The Research Agenda 2021-2024 presents the main subjects for research: https://
• The DCICH collaborates with other European countries, the Dutch Caribbean, Saint Martin, Suriname, Indonesia, India and with UNESCO.
• The DCICH works in close cooperation with the entire Dutch heritage field.
• The DCICH participates regularly at the Committee meetings and those of the General Assembly as well as the activities of the ICH NGO Forum.