الأمانة السورية للتنمية
Syrian Arab RepublicContact: +963 11 473 1300
Postal address: Syria Trust for Development Bab Sharqi Muhammad Zuheir Shamas Eddine Avenue Damascus
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Syrian Arab Republic
URL: https://www.syriatrust.sy/
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A nation defined by the positive energy of its people.
Create an enabling environment for people across Syria to individually thrive, and collectively participate, in the social and cultural development of its communities.
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:
Relevant projects and initiatives
![]( https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/17975-MED.jpg)
© Syria Trust for Development, 2023
Over the years, the Syria Trust for Development has developed methods
for inventorying ICH and recently introduced workable criteria to identify
priority ICH safeguarding projects, such as for elements in need of urgent
safeguarding and those best presenting opportunities for the socio-economic
development of their communities. The Trust follows an inclusive approach
when working on ICH projects, allowing local communities to lead on the
safeguarding of their heritage, while encouraging and equipping government
bodies to support these efforts in order to ensure their sustainability.