Center for Peace Building and Poverty Reduction among Indigenous African Peoples - CEPPER
NigeriaContact: (+234) 70-30-63-44-82
Postal address: University of Nigeria Rm 48 Marion Jones Building P.O. Box 2050 Enugu Enugu State
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal
URL: https://cepperngo.com
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Represent and voice the African indigenous people’s determination to safeguard, inventory and promote their living heritage under the purview of the 2003 UNESCO Convention.
To restore the dignity and the wealth of the intangible cultural heritage of the Igbos, the Wawas and other African indigenous peoples, bring them to the world stage and build a sustainable partnership with the living heritage of all peoples.
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
- other
- legal advocacy
legislative draftsmanship
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives
CEPPER is building a pool of resources to contribute to peace building and poverty
alleviation. We also actively engaged in the following projects.
1. We have embarked upon documentation and inventorying the intellectual properties and folklore of the Wawa people of West Africa with the intention to seek legislative and copyright protection of these previously undocumented activities;
2. Publication of well researched articles and books on Wawa and Igbos indigenous people that will itemize the various cultural properties and rights of the people that are under threat to sensitize the world and national governments ;
3. Organizing workshops and attending global fora of world indigenous peoples to
present the perceived areas of injustice and marginalization which have threatened them with extinction and permanent dislocation.
4. Making representation to governments in the four West African countries to recognize and adopt best practices and conventions on world indigenous intellectual rights and properties.
5. CEPPER also plans to organize a seminar at the next Intergovernmental Committee meeting in Botswana aimed at maximizing gender in ICH with the collaboration of the
Working Group on Gender of the ICH NGO Forum.