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Élément Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz (Afghanistan - Azerbaïdjan - Inde - Iran (République islamique d’) - Iraq - Kazakhstan - Kirghizistan - Ouzbékistan - Pakistan - Tadjikistan - Türkiye - Turkménistan)
Inscrit en 2016 (11.COM) sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité
Titre EN : The 'Ses' is a traditional silver tray, its circular form symbolizes family unity. It holds within items which signify a long and happy life. It is decorated with a flower garland or har for Navroze. Next to it is a mirror used on Navroze to gaze at oneself and make a wish for the new year. The thread and needle is symbolic of repairing relationships, stitching together hopes in the new year. (India)