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Element Cultural space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum (Jordan)
Inscribed in 2008 (3.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (originally proclaimed in 2005)
Title EN: Roasting coffee beans - The Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum
Title as submitted EN: Roasting coffee beans - The Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum
Title FR: Torréfaction des grains de café - L'espace culturel des Bedu de Petra et Wadi Rum
Title as submitted FR: Torréfaction des grains de café - L'espace culturel des Bedu de Petra et Wadi Rum
Title AR: تحميص حبوب البن - المجال الثقافي للبدو في البتراء ووادي رم
Title as submitted AR: تحميص حبوب البن - المجال الثقافي للبدو في البتراء ووادي رم