Boreendo, Bhorindo: ancient dying folk musical instrument,… (Pakistan)
Candidature: Liste de sauvegarde urgente 2025
EN: Allah Jurio Kunbhar and Faqeer Zulfiqar are two masters with expert knowledge of crafting and playing the Boreendo. Faqeer Zulfiqar explains the process and discusses the urgent need to safeguard this instrument.
EN: Allah Jurio was spinning the pottery wheel while preparing to make the Boreendo using clay.
EN: Faqeer Zulfiqar is playing the Boreendo, which is a clay vessel flute with holes.
EN: Mehboob Ali is a student of Faqeer Zulfiqar, who is learning to play a traditional and dying musical instrument.
EN: Allah Jurio Kunbhar prepared a Boreendo on the spinning pottery wheel for Zulfiqar to perforate.
EN: Allah Jurio Kunbhar is kneading the clay and preparing it to make Boreendo.
EN: Boreendo with eight holes. Faqeer Zulfiqar innovated the eight holes, which are traditionally painted by women in the village.
EN: Faqeer Zulfiqar's youngest student, who is also his son, is attempting to learn how to play the instrument.
EN: Faqeer Zulfiqar plays the Boreendo by blowing air into the instrument, and he also plays other traditional musical instruments such as the Narr.
EN: Allah Jurio Kunbhar used his fingers to shape the Boreendo from spinning clay on his pottery wheel.