Venezuelan Joropo (Venezuela (République bolivarienne du))
Candidature: Liste représentative 2025
EN: The group Tacón y Cuerdas performs the joropo with violin and improvised verses, characteristic of the state of Carabobo, Central Region
EN: Coloniero joropo party with the group Las Krosilis; cultural heritage of the German presence in Venezuela. Aragua State, Central Region
EN: Master Margarito Aristiguieta, icon of the joropo of Central Venezuela, also known as joropo mirandino. It is performed with harp, maracas and chants with improvised verses. Miranda State, Central Region
EN: Bearers of the Campoamor Cultural Collective, celebrate with joy and joropo jorconiao. Yaracuy State, West Central Region
EN: The deep sonority of the Bandola marks the rhythm of the Guayana joropo, performed by the master José "Cheo" Hurtado and the group La Cuerda en Seis. Bolivar State, Guayana Region
EN: The dancers, with their colorful attire, express passion and celebrate with the andean joropo. Merida State. The Andes Region
EN: The sonority of the joropo through the harp in the hands of the Master Omar Moreno, reflect the identity of the Venezuelan plains. Apure State, The Plains Region
EN: The art and skill of the Master Jóvita Nieto, embellish the joropo party in the Venezuelan plains. Portuguesa State, The Plains Region
EN: Knowledge and creativity merge in the Bandola de Guaribe, an instrument made by Luthier Alejandro Arzola Parairá. Guárico State, The Plains Region
EN: The cadence in the dance and the elegance in the execution of the musical instruments describe the sample of the oriental joropo. Sucre State, East Region