La danse traditionnelle csárdás (Hongrie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2024
EN: Traditional dancers presenting csárdás dances in front of the music band during filming. The photo was taken in Ilonahalmapuszta by Béla Halmos, famous Hungarian folk musician, folk music researcher
EN: The natural process of learning the csárdás dance. The photo was taken in Kapolcs (Valley of Art)
EN: Dancing on the stage of the 'Fölszállott a páva' talent competition. Nógrád Folk Dance Ensemble representing csárdás dances from Ipoly region
EN: Mária Cselik and her dance partner representing their own heritage, the csárdás dance from Kalocsa region. The photo was taken at a festival in Kapolcs
EN: Moment after dance. Dancers often hug each other at the end of the dance to say thank you. The photo was taken at the National Solo Dance Festival of Békéscsaba
EN: Csárdás dance teaching at the 6th Táncháztalálkozó (the biggest Hungarian folk dance event every year) in Budapest
EN: The special circle-danced form of the csárdás (as is customary today) during a wedding. The photo was taken in Fényeslitke
EN: Pupils of Ferenc Pesovár Elementary School of Art dancing csárdás at the Gyermek Néptáncantológia (Children's Folk Dance Anthology)
EN: Excerpt from one of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's (MÀNE) performances, in which the csárdás dance appears. The photo was taken in Budapest
EN: Spontaneous dancing of the csárdás. The photo was taken at a ball in Budapest