Le carnaval d’El Callao, représentation festive d’une… (Venezuela (République bolivarienne du))
Candidature: Liste représentative 2016
EN: The Madamas, in their role as communicators of values, are seen as pillars of the Callaoenses
EN: The carnival is a time to play and reinforce in the Callaoenses the 'sense of belonging' when they partake in the enjoyment, the singing and the dancing
EN: The element is open and inclusive, and favors understanding and dialog between cultures
EN: Bearers encourage, among the younger ones, the skills required to participate in the element, either by singing, dancing, playing an instrument or making costumes and masks
EN: The carnival, as a social practice that summons the Callaoenses, allows for all sorts of people to enjoy, regardless of the gender, age, public or private nature
EN: Historical figures are represented as a means to understand and re-signify the past, renovating the community's sense of belonging in the process
EN: Through generations, women represent Antillean matrons from long time ago, sport colorful dresses with ample skirts and long necklaces, while dancing Calipso rhythmically
EN: Calipso in El Callao has acquired an innate quality thanks to human ingenuity, which allowed rhythmic and technological innovations, which have made possible the manufacturing of musical instruments out of recycled objects
EN: Children begin to participate in the comparsas at a very early age, thus allowing the Callaoenses families to recover their heritage and reinforce their identity
EN: The semilleros de Calipso promotes creative skills among the young