Yama, Hoko, Yatai, festivals de chars au Japon (Japon)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2016
EN: A float decorated with tapestries is pulled through the streets while people in the floats play festival music (Kyoto Gion Festival)
EN: Puppet theater is being performed on a colourful stage set up on a float (Hitachi Furyumono)
EN: Children and adults wearing festive garments ride a float being pulled by community members (Chichibu Festival)
EN: A procession of magnificent floats crosses a bridge in spring (Takayama Festival)
EN: Community members pull floats with decorations made to look like flowers through the streets (Takaoka Mikurumayama Festival)
EN: Members of local safeguarding associations work with a schoolteacher to teach children aspects of the festival through a class at school as part of transmission through formal education
EN: Members of local safeguarding associations teach children festival music in a workshop outside of school as part of transmission through non-formal education
EN: Craftsmen work together to preserve and repair a float decorated with wooden carvings
EN: Community members plant red pine saplings to secure future materials used for the floats in a sustainable manner
EN: The National Association for the Preservation of Float Festivals organizes an outdoor seminar on how to assemble floats for members of local safeguarding associations