La fête du printemps : les festivités d’Hıdrellez ou… (Croatie, Macédoine du Nord, République de Moldova, Roumanie, Türkiye, Serbie)Candidature: Liste représentative 2014
EN: Celebrating Saint George's Day in Turopolje, Central Croatia - bonfire in front of Lukavec fortress
EN: Celebrating Saint George's Day in Turopolje, Central Croatia procession with horse carts
EN: Gjurgjovden ritual
EN: Gjurgjovden ritual
EN: At the Saint George's Day people make the wreaths of plants
gathered on 'Herbal Friday' prior to the Saint George's Day. The wreaths are sunk and let into the water. Stara Planina region; the
municipality of Knjazevac
EN: This spring custom (ritual) is maintained mostly as the christian
holiday dedicated to Saint George, as a sacrament or a family Saint patron, and in rural and urban households on the whole territory
of Serbia
EN: Spring see saw - a gift for the National Museum of Ethnography
and Natural History by men born in 1941, Lozova village, Străşeni district. A memorial about their childhood marked by the Second
World War. St George Celebration
EN: St George - the day of the patron saint in the village of Cornova,
Ungheni district. Traditional celebration with dances and songs
in the second part of the day.
EN: Spring Day is characterised with lighting of large bonfires in Turkey,
especially in Edirne. Bonfire is an essential component of Spring Day
celebrations. Dancing around and jumping over bonfire, are ways to
avoid bad influences and a demonstration of courage.
EN: People attend ceremonies in Churches and make wishes on
Spring Day in Iskenderun.
EN: Sângeorz time - Pastoral practice (the milking of the sheep and the weighing of milk) in the shepherds community of Eftimie Murgu Caraş-Severin Department
EN: The feast of an old spring time custom of sheep breeders - "the weighing of milk", celebrated in Măgura (Caraş-Severin Department), by a lively meal, music and typical dances of the rich ethnographical area of Bistrei Valley.