L’art traditionnel kazakh du dombra kuï (Kazakhstan)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2014
EN: Abilgazy Akhmadiyev is holding the ancient instrument dombra owned by his grandfather
EN: Aral kuy tradition inheritor, the son of the famous traditional musician Bakhyt Basygararaev Edil
EN: Arka kuy tradition inheritor, the continuator of his father kuyshi Dauletbek Kayrolla Sadvokasov
EN: Konak asy. The reception for the musicians
EN: Mangistau kuy tradition performed by Zhumabek Kadyrkulov
EN: Kuy audience
EN: Blessing
EN: The lesson on shertpe kuy tradition (Arka) Zhangaly Zhuzbayev and his student
EN: The lesson on shertpe kuy tradition Bazaraly Muptekeev and his son Darmen
EN: The lesson on Mangistau kuy tradition Zhumabek Kadyrkulov and his student