Le chant traditionnel Arirang dans la République populaire… (République populaire démocratique de Corée)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2014
EN: Performace of Samjiyon Orchestra Mansudae Art Troupe
EN: Performance of National Symphony Orchestra
EN: Performance of Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory
EN: Opening scene of Grand Mass Gymnastic and Artistic Performance "Arirang"
EN: People singing "Arirang" for a pastime
EN: Students are taught a folk song "Arirang" at a middle school
EN: Performance of the National Traditional Music Presentation
EN: A foreign art troupe singing "Arirang"
EN: Flag being hoisted with the sound of song "Arirang" in the June 15 Festival, a joint event of North Korea and South Korea
EN: Dancing to the song "Arirang" in the June15 Festival, a joint event of North Korea and South Korea