Le tchovgan, jeu équestre traditionnel pratiqué à dos de… (Azerbaïdjan)
Candidature: Liste de sauvegarde urgente 2013
EN: Before the competition "Chovqan" teams that came from different regions stand in a line and the game starts with grand ceremony
EN: The player of Sheki region team heads the ball to score against the Zaqatala region team
EN: During the game sometimes the foot of the horse can be injured or the horseshoe can be deformed
EN: A group of horses are kept in the stable set for 40 horses, 4x4 measured cages
EN: The representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, local authorities and NGOs present the winners' cup, diploma and expensive gifts to winner Agstafa team
EN: Little boys and girls watch the "Chovqan" game with big interest and passion
EN: The winner Agstafa team enjoying their victory
EN: As a rule "Chovqan" game is accompanied by national music performed in zurna, balaban, def, saz and other national musical instruments
EN: Sheki and Zaqatala regions "Chovqan" teams compete for victory
EN: The player of Aghjabedi region team heads the ball to score the goal against the Zaqatala region team