La peinture décorative de Petrykivka, expression de… (Ukraine)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2013
EN: А unique example of Prydniprovska ісоп of the XVIIIth century. The floral ornament of Christ's overclothes represents an example of the use of decoгative elements having become а formbuilding basis of the Petгykivka style of decorative painting.Icon of the Virgin Mary and Baby. Unknown author, the end of the XVIII century
EN: А demonstrative example of paper "painting" with the use of а floгal ornamental element chaгacteristic of the Petгykivka style of decoгative painting having been named 'А Onion'. The authш of this wшk is І. И. Pylypenko being one of the joundeгs oj' the tгade in the ХХ11 centuгy.Onions. Iryna Ulianivna Pylypenko. 1979. Paper, aniline dyes
EN: А demonstгative example of paper ''painting" with the use of floral ornamental elements and stylized depiction of biгds. The author of this work is Р.М. Pavlenko being one of the foundeгs of the tгade in the ХХth сепturу.Birds. Praskovia Mykolaivna Pavlenko. 1965. Paper, tempera
EN: А demonstrative example оf paper "painting" with the use of the folk агt pictuгe elements organically harmonizing with decoгative ornamental foгms chaгacteristic of the tгade. The authш of this woгk is N.A. Bilokon being one of the foundeгs of the tгade in the ХХth century.Wedding train. Nadiia Avramivna Bilokon. 1979. Paper, tempera
EN: А demonstrative example of рарer ''painting" where the ornamental forms are combined vvith а stylized depiction of fancy biгds. This combination of decoгative elements will become а characteгistic one of the tгade masteгs of the forthcoming geneгations. The author of this work is Т. Уа. Pata being one of the foundeгs of the tгade in the ХХth century.Peacocks, Tetiana Yakymivna Pata. 1949. paper, tempera
EN: А demonstrative example of paper "painting" where the ornamental forms are combined with а stylized depiction of fancy birds. This combination of decorative elements is typical of the trade masters. The author of this work is F.S. Panko being one of the most famous founders of the trade in the ХХth centuгy.Panel picture 'Ladies' choice', Fedir Savych Panko. 1983. Wood chipboard, tempera
EN: А demonstrative example ofpaper "painting" where the floral and ornamental forms are combined with а stylized depiction of fancy Ьігd. This combination of decorative elements is typical of the tгade masters. The author of this work is М.І. Statyva гepгesenting а modern geneгation оf masteгs of the Petгykivka style of painting.Bluebird, Maria Illivna Statyva. 1976. Paper, tempera
EN: А demonstrative example of paper ''painting" with the use of а floral decoгative ornament chaгacteгistic of the Petrykivka style of painting. The author of this work is М. Т. Shyshatska гepresenting а geneгation of the masteгs of the Petrykivka style of painting of the eighties of the ХХth century.Decorative panel picture, Maria Tykhonivna Shyshatska. 1976. Paper, tempera
EN: The characteristic specimens of the Petrykivka style of decorative painting made Ьу the trade masters of a modern generation under the artistic guidance of А.А. Pikush, the Honoured Master of Folk Art.Modern articles of the Petrykivka style of painting. Different artists. 2009-2011
EN: А characteristic specimen of the use of elements and foгms of the Petrykivka style of decorative painting in the interior design of dwelling room.The Petrykivka style of painting. Interior of peasant's cottage. 1920-1950