La méthode géorgienne de vinification à l’ancienne… (Géorgie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2013
EN: Qveries of different sizes and stone covers
EN: Qveri making process, starting position
EN: Informal method of transmitting qveri making traditional knowledge
EN: Transporting qvevri
EN: Backing qvevri in the kiln
EN: Traditional wine cellar (marani), with the qvevries buried in the ground and different instruments for cleaning qvevri, taking out wine etc.
EN: Traditional wine celler (marani) instruments for cleaning qvevri, taking out wine, steering "chacha" etc.
EN: Traditional qvevri cleaning method
EN: Taking out wine from qvevri
EN: Satsnakheli (traditional wine press), where grapes are crushed with feet