Le colindat de groupe d’hommes, rituel de Noël (République de Moldova, Roumanie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2013
EN: Romania. Rehearsal of a men's group in Calarasii Vechi, Calarasi coutny. The group's leader is Marian Ghica.
EN: Romania. A men's group is performing the 'Colindat' ritual for a family including an eligible girl for marriage. commune Calarasii Vechi, Calarasi county. The group's leader is Marian Ghica
EN: Romania. A men's group is performing the 'Great Colind' in commune Independenta, Calarasi county.
EN: Romania. A men's group is performing a colind for little girl in front the priest'house in commune Dichinesi, Calarasi county
EN: Romania. Young men (Juni) in the group of colindatori from commune Maguri Racatau, Cluj county
EN: Performers of Colinda ritual from commune Maguri Racatau, Cluj county, Romania
EN: Rehearsal of the men's group in Cercegau Mare, Cluj district, Romania
EN: Men's group ('colindatori') from village Sipca, Soldanesti county. the 'colindatori' are walking to a household where they will perform the ritual. Holding their ritual breadgift, they are announced by an instrumental, Republic of Moldova
EN: A newly-formed men's group ('colindatori') from village Vadeni, Socora county is performing the ritual for the first time. Their community has acknowledged the group by offering them round-shaped pieces of bread ('colaci'), Republic of Moldova
EN: The men's group ('colindatori') from village Greblesti, Straseni county is performing the ritual in front of the house threshold. As addressees of the ritual song ('colinda'), the host's daughters are listening to it, Republic of Moldova